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"Who says it can't?" he vociferated, overflowing with anger at this flouting of the authority he represented. Mary opened a drawer of the desk, and took out the document obtained that morning from Harris, and held it forth. "This," she replied, succinctly. "What's this?" Burke stormed. But he took the paper. Demarest looked over the Inspector's shoulder, and his eyes grew larger as he read.

Inside of two hours he'll have people out to find out whether we've left town. Gentlemen, I don't know but it might be a good idea for us actually to leave Dunhaven." "An excellent idea," replied Lawyer Demarest, dryly, "for we shall only waste our time by remaining here." "What do you mean?" questioned the capitalist, quickly. "Farnum won't send for us." "He surely will, when he cools down."

It was pay day at Demarest, Spruce & Tillou's, and the Palace was crowded. They found a place at the bar, however, and the girl stood looking over the half-drunken throng with eager eyes, now and then casting a glance through the door to see if Drummond was following her.

Demarest personally, and was fortunate in finding him in San Francisco upon her arrival there. "Well, well, well!" the big man cried jovially, as the girl was ushered into his private office. "Gypo Jo! Heavens to Betsy! Girl, I haven't seen you in five years. Put 'er there for old times' sake!" "It's Jerkline Jo nowadays, Mr. Demarest," and she laughed.

If I am, then my mind has suddenly failed me; something which I find it hard to believe." "Mr. Quimby, did Mrs. Demarest come to the house with Miss Demarest?" inquired Mr. Hammersmith of the silent landlord. "She says so," was the reply, accompanied by a compassionate shrug which spoke volumes. "And I am quite sure she means it," he added, with kindly emphasis.

She thought that until new camps settled on the grade camps of bigger contractors who would buy their supplies direct and not depend on Demarest, Spruce & Tillou Mr. Drummond would have many idle days. Then, of course, he might cut to the bone on the freight rate, and Jo feared that, with the trucks eating nothing while they rested, Drummond might be better able to withstand a rate war.

He was become aware that here was something malignant, with a meaning beyond his present understanding, for he saw the Inspector and Demarest, and he knew the two of them for what they were officially. "What are they doing here?" he demanded suspiciously, staring at the two. "Oh, never mind them," Mary said. There was a malevolent gleam in her violet eyes.

I must keep on, by some hook or crook, till I can get advice from some one who's onto such tricks Demarest, perhaps." "It's a rotten deal!" "I have an idea it's perfectly legitimate, Jim." "They ain't gonta do anything to the road to make it worth a tenth o' what they ask to travel on it. You saw the little putterin' jobs they did, Jo."

"A warrant could be issued against your son for disturbing the peace," came the disgusted reply of Lawyer Demarest. "As for Benson, all he did was to protect himself when insulted and assaulted unjustly. It was a disgraceful affair, my dear sir. Now, let us get away from here before we're exposed to more ridicule." Neither Mr. Farnum nor Mr. Pollard had said a word.

"For humane reasons," Demarest commented, nodding approbation. "Good thing, too!" Burke conceded. "They'd make murder too devilish easy, and it's easy enough now.... Well, Cassidy?" "I got hold of this man, Sylvester," Cassidy went on. "I had him on the 'phone, too. He says that his house was robbed about eight weeks ago, and among other things the silencer was stolen."