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Burke says you told him last night that you had persuaded your wife to come over to the house, and join you there. Is that right?" "Yes." The monosyllable was uttered indifferently. "And, while the two of you were talking," Demarest continued in a matter-of-fact manner. He did not conclude the sentence, but asked instead: "Now, tell me, Dick, just what did happen, won't you?"

He remembered then those doubts that had assailed him when this girl had been sentenced to prison, remembered the half-hearted plea he had made in her behalf to Richard Gilder. "That was killed," Mary said, "killed four years ago." But Demarest persisted. Influence had been brought to bear on him. It was for her own sake now that he urged her. "Let young Gilder alone." Mary laughed again.

Also he had made the camp snug and comfortable under whispering cottonwood, and had fenced off a corral with barbed wire. Jo at once went to the Mulligan Supply Company to learn that a message had come to her, in their care, from Demarest.

"So," he said with swift hostility in his voice, "so, you're trying to trap me, too!" He shrugged his shoulders in a way he had learned abroad. "You! And you talk of friendship. I want none of such friendship." Demarest, greatly disconcerted, was skilled, nevertheless, in dissembling, and he hid his chagrin perfectly.

Of course, Ragtown will have to be supplied but Ragtown and Demarest, Spruce & Tillou's Camp Number One will be virtually the same as regards our freight terminus." "And how long before the main contractors will get here?" he asked, working his twisted nose from side to side as if in the hope of eventually persuading it to point dead ahead.

It would be a race between the tortoise and the hare; and every one knows that the hare has gained no little reputation from the outcome of that legendary contest. From Julia, Jerkline Jo hurried by train to San Francisco, to the Western office of the big contracting firm of Demarest, Spruce & Tillou, whose headquarters were in Minneapolis. She knew Mr.

They left the delicately scented mountain country in due course and took up the long, weary journey over the desert. When they were near enough to the buttes to make out objects at their feet it became plain to all that the big outfit of Demarest, Spruce & Tillou had arrived and pitched its camp.

Of a sudden, the face of the District Attorney lightened. "Why," he exclaimed, "you are it can't be yes you are the girl, you're the Mary Turner whom I oh, I know you now." There was an enigmatic smile bending the scarlet lips as she answered. "I'm the girl you mean, Mr. Demarest, but, for the rest, you don't know me not at all!"

Mary regarded the speaker with an impenetrable expression. Her tones as she spoke were quite as matter-of-fact as his own had been. In them was no wonder, no exultation. "Then, I can go," she said, simply. "Sure, you can go," Burke replied, amiably. Without any delay, yet without any haste, Mary glanced toward Gilder and Demarest, who were watching the scene closely.

Dick, too, winced under the pain of this meeting with his father in a situation so sinister. But he was, to some degree, apathetic from over-much misery. Now, in reply to his father's words, he only nodded a quiet assent. "That wasn't wise under the circumstances," the father remonstrated hurriedly. "However, now, Demarest and I are here to protect your interests, so that you can talk freely."