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MORTIMER. If the all-powerful Earl of Leicester deign To stoop so low to meet me, and to make Such a confession to me, I may venture To think a little better of myself, And lead the way in magnanimity. LEICESTER. Lead you the way of confidence, I'll follow. Here is a letter from the Queen of Scotland. Speak softly, sir! what see I? Oh, it is Her picture! Now, my lord, I can believe you.

It's 'orse-nobbling; that's what it is. Is there any police here, sir?" This he said, turning round to a farmer. The farmer didn't deign any reply. "Perhaps you'll tell me your name, sir? if you've got a name. No gen'leman ever took a gen'leman's 'orse off the rail like that." "Oh, Frank, do come away," said Lizzie, who was standing by. "We shall be all right in two minutes," said Frank.

He briefly, therefore, explained to those now gathered round him, his present situation, and the cause of the past conflict; and bade the torch-bearers precede him to his home. "You, Sir Knight," added he, turning to Montreal, "if not already more pleasantly lodged, will, I trust, deign to be my guest?"

"You've a lot to learn about them, my boy," said his superior. "There is Crewe up among them," continued Rolfe. "I wonder what he thinks he's after." Inspector Chippenfield gave a glance in the direction of Crewe, but did not deign to give any sign of recognition.

The swagger of the troops, their warlike airs, and loud contempt of the undrilled swain, the dash of a coin on the counter when they deign to pay for anything, the insolent wink at every modest girl, and the coarse joke running along apish mouths even before dark crime begins, native antipathy is sown and thrives.

Fork in hand, Carew nevertheless paused to take exception to the word. "I confess I can't see why Tucker, when it is supposed to untuck the creases of us," he observed. "Hermit, shall I serve you in the corner; or will you deign to join us about the festive frying pan?"

Zenobia took upon herself to say that the first was for Clementine. "How do you know?" "It is the longer, and you are taller than your sister." "That is true. It is really mine, then?" said she, turning to me. "If I may hope that you will deign to accept it." "Surely, dear Iolas, and I will put it on directly."

When the frightful object first presented itself to the young Mohican, he did not deign to bestow a single glance on the animal. The scout, who had left David at the door, to ascertain they were not observed, thought it prudent to preserve his disguise until assured of their privacy. Instead of speaking, therefore, he exerted himself to enact one of the antics of the animal he represented.

I have done more; prompted by a zeal that draws me from the care of the Church to that of the State, I have summoned the Lords St. John, De Fulke, and others, to my house of the More, praying your Highness to deign to meet them, and well sure that a smile from your princely lips will regain their hearts and confirm heir allegiance, at a moment when new perils require all strong arms."

"It is now my momentous task in compliance with your Excellency's benign suggestion, to report to your Excellency the result of my visit to His Majesty's Hebrew subjects, and I feel confident that your Excellency will deign to regard my communication with the indulgent attention and consideration which the cause of philanthropy has ever received from your Excellency, the more so as I have the gratifying promise of your Excellency to place my representation in the hands of His Majesty, whose great object it has ever been to adopt every suitable measure for securing the moral and physical welfare of every subject under His Imperial sway.