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Calmly he returned to his writing-table, where, in the pursuit of the elusive character whose exploits he was chronicling and who had brought him fame and wealth, he forgot in the same moment Helen Cumberly and the omelette.

Saul had on one occasion scolded her soundly. "It's a great sign that he thinks well of you," Fanny had said. "It was the only sign he ever gave me, before he spoke to me in that sad strain." On the afternoon of this, her last day at Clavering, she had gone over to Cumberly Green with Fanny, to say farewell to the children, and walked back by herself; as Fanny had not finished her work.

An interval followed, in which the inspector made notes and Cumberly stood looking at Leroux, who was beating his palms upon his knees, and staring unseeingly before him. Cumberly rang again; and in response to the second ring, the housemaid appeared at the door. "I rang for Soames," said Dr. Cumberly. "He is not in, sir," answered the girl. Inspector Dunbar started as though he had been bitten.

It is a pathetic fact almost daily brought home to me, that women who acquire a drug habit become more rapidly and more entirely enslaved by it than does a man. It becomes the center of the woman's existence; it becomes her god: all other claims, social and domestic, are disregarded. Upon this knowledge, Mr. King has established his undoubtedly extensive enterprise."... Dr. Cumberly stood up.

Gianapolis beamed radiantly. "You would, perhaps, like to see such an apartment?" he suggested. "I should, certainly," replied Helen Cumberly. "Not even in a stage setting have I seen anything like it." "You have never been to the East?" "Never, unfortunately. I have desired to go for years, and hope to go some day." "In Smyrna you may see such rooms; possibly in Port Said certainly in Cairo.

The bloodless lips were parted and the detective bent, closely peering at the teeth thus revealed. "Her teeth were oddly discolored, doctor," he said, taking out a magnifying glass and examining them closely. "They had been recently scaled, too; so that she was not in the habit of neglecting them." Dr. Cumberly nodded.

Sen, the Chinaman, who professed to speak nothing but Chinese ah! cochon! was equally a difficult case, Nom d'un nom! I was in despair, for apart from frauds connected with the concern, I had more than small suspicions that at least one death that of a wealthy banker could be laid at the doors of the establishment in Rue St. Claude."... Dr. Cumberly bent yet lower, watching the speaker's face.

"I should love to!" cried Helen Cumberly; "in fact, I wanted to do so the very first time I saw you; perhaps because Mira Leroux always referred to you as Denise"... "May I also avail myself of the privilege?" inquired Dr. Cumberly with gravity, "and may I hope that you will return the compliment?" "I cannot... do it!" declared Denise Ryland, firmly.

Cumberly glared at his fellow practitioner, angrily. "Are there no other marks of injection?" he asked. "On the left forearm, yes. Obviously self-administered. Oh, I don't deny the habit! But my point is this: the injection in the shoulder was NOT self-administered." "Come, Helen," said Cumberly, taking his daughter's arm; for she had drawn near, during the colloquy "you must get to bed."

Helen Cumberly stifled an exclamation. As the Greek gained the corner of the Square and was lost from view, a lithe figure kin of the shadows which had masked it became detached from the other shadows beneath the trees of the central garden and stood, a vague silhouette seemingly looking up at her window as Gianapolis had looked. Helen leaned her hands upon the ledge and peered intently down.