United States or South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Cumberly, smiling slightly, "was one of the group, beyond doubt for I may as well explain that we are dealing with an elaborate organization; but the chief member, to whom I have referred, is a greater one than Soames. He is a certain shadowy being, known as Mr. King." "The name on the paper!" said Helen, quickly. "But of course the police have been looking for Mr. King all along?"

The office, which is situated in a converted private dwelling, bears a brass plate simply inscribed, 'I. Gianapolis, London and Smyrna." "What is the man's reputed business?" jerked Cumberly.

Exel and the doctor stood staring at one another; when suddenly, from outside the flat, came a metallic clattering, followed by a little suppressed cry. Helen Cumberly, in daintiest deshabille, appeared in the lobby, carrying, in one hand, a chafing-dish, and, in the other, the lid. As she advanced toward the study, from whence she had heard her father's voice: "Why, Mr.

"I am sincerely glad that you did," answered the novelist, with one of his kindly, weary smiles. "My dear," said Denise Ryland, turning again to Helen Cumberly, "you say you met that... cross-eyed... being... Gianapolis, again?" "Good Heavens!" cried Helen; "I thought I should never get rid of him; a most loathsome man!"

This is Miss Helen Cumberly, and I know you two will get on... famously." M. Max acknowledged the presentation with a few simple words which served to place the oddly met trio upon a mutually easy footing. He was, par excellence, the polished cosmopolitan man of the world. "Fortunately I saw your dilemma," he explained. "I have a cab on the corner yonder, and it is entirely at your service."

Bruce Cumberly London John Exel M. Gaston Paris Brian Malpas The smoking-room was fairly full, but a corner near the big open grate had just been vacated, and here, about a round table, the four disposed themselves. Our French acquaintance being in evening dress had perforce confined himself in his sartorial eccentricities to a flowing silk knot in place of the more conventional, neat bow.

I protest, it is true," continued Max with an inimitable movement of the shoulder; "and I regret it; but in my profession"... "Which you adorn, monsieur," injected Cumberly. "Many thanks but in my profession these little annoyances sometimes occur.

The sharpness of March prolongs itself almost through April, and then, while we are still hoping for the Spring, there falls upon us suddenly a bright, dangerous, delicious gleam of Summer. The lane from Cumberly Green was no longer muddy, and Fanny could go backward and forward between the parsonage and her distant school without that wading for which feminine apparel is so unsuited.

What he had learned by this eavesdropping he counted of peculiar value. Helen Cumberly was arranging to dine with her friend at the latter's hotel that evening. "But I want to be home early," he had heard the girl say, "so if I leave you at about ten o'clock I can walk to Palace Mansions. No! you need not come with me; I enjoy a lonely walk through the streets of London in the evening"...

The eyes of the dying woman filled with tears as she turned them from the face of Leroux to Helen Cumberly who was weeping silently. "Look after... him," whispered Mira Leroux. Her hand dropped and she closed her eyes again. Cumberly bent forward suddenly, glancing back at M. Max who stood in a remote corner of the room watching this scene. Big Ben commenced to chime the hour of midnight.