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For the shock to the young moving picture operator had been greater than at first supposed, though his bodily injuries were comparatively slight. "Well, what's next on the programme?" asked Joe of Blake, about two weeks after the accident, when Blake had returned from Culebra. Most of the work there was done, and the Canal was again open, save to vessels of extreme draught.

I walked to Pedro Miguel and, descending from the embankment of the main line, "nailed" a dirt-train returning empty and stood up for a breezy ride down through the "cut." It was the same old smoky, toilsome place, a perceptible bit lower. As in the case of a small boy only those can see its growth who have been away for a time. The train stopped with a jerk at the foot of Culebra.

"Ah, caro mio, art so strange dost not know thy Joanna dost not know me, Martino?" "Aye, I know you, Captain Jo," I cried. "Well I know you to my cost, as hath many another: I know you for 'La Culebra, for Joanna that is worshipped, obeyed and followed by every pirate rogue along the Main. Oh, truly I know you to my bitter sorrow "

He does well enough for ordinary work, but when it comes to fine details he isn't in it. I found that out back there at Culebra when he was working with me. Of course he was a lot of help, and all that, but he's a failure as a moving picture operator." "I'm sorry to hear that," said Joe, with genuine sympathy. "So am I to have to come to that conclusion," Blake went on.

Then there was , an ex-Z. P. who lost his three years' savings on the train, for which reason I shadowed a well-known American for it is a Z. P. rule that no one is above suspicion about Panama afoot and in carriages nearly all night, in true dime-novel fashion. There was the day that I was given a dangerous convict to deliver at Culebra Penitentiary.

Analogous cases are seen in all the countries of Europe, in the fortresses that are behind their boundary-lines the fortresses existing less as individuals than as supporting members of a comprehensive scheme. Two bases, one at Guantanamo and one at Culebra, would in time of war in the Caribbean, add a value to our fleet that might make the difference between defeat and victory.

The little fellow did not, of course, know that the boys were at that moment in the ancient house near the Culebra cut, nor that an automobile was speeding over a hill to the north of the old structure watched by his friends with anxious interest. "Something may have happened to them," Ned said. "It seems to me that this case is set on automatic springs.

Corozal hotel was still rattling with dishes, Paraiso peeped out from its lap of hills, Culebra with its penitentiary where burglarizing negroes go, sunk away into the past.

They had gone to Culebra Cut and there tied up, waiting for a slide that might come at any time, and yet which might never occur. Naturally if the canal engineers could have had their way they would have preferred never to see another avalanche of earth descend. Mr. Alcando had by this time proved that he could take moving pictures almost as well as could the boys.

Once the Canal was established goods could be transported much more cheaply and quickly by the water route. The railroad owners knew this and saw ruin ahead of them if the Canal were to be successful. Consequently they welcomed every delay, every accident, every slide in Culebra Cut that would put off the opening of the great waterway.