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The pictures will make a sensation. Don't forget to film the slide if one occurs." "Of course we'll get that," Joe said, as he looked up at the frowning sides of Culebra Cut. "Only it doesn't seem as if one was going to happen while we're here." "I hope it never does," declared Captain Watson, solemnly.

Glancing towards the ship, I saw she was already come to an anchor and a boatful of men pulling briskly for the reef where stood Joanna, and as they rowed they cheered her amain: "La Culebra!" they roared. "Ahoy, Joanna! Give a rouse for Fighting Jo! Cap'n Jo ha, Joanna!" The boat being near enough, many eager hands were reached out to her and with Joanna on board they paddled into the lagoon.

"And there's for you, yes!" said Joanna, smiling into the man's agonised face, "Be thankful I spared your worthless life. Crawl into the boat, worm, and wait till I'm minded to patch up your hurt Go!" For a moment was silence, then came a great gust of laughter, and men clapped and pummelled each other. "La Culebra!" they roared.

Those are rock trains out there, from Culebra." "Oh, now I understand. Gee whiz, but this job is a whopper! Say, this is great!" Mrs. Cortlandt smiled. "It does wake up your patriotism, doesn't it? I'm glad to have a hand in building it." "Are you helping to dig this canal?" Anthony regarded the woman curiously. She seemed very cool and well-dressed and independent for one engaged in actual work.

To the northward appeared an opening cut through the hills, and Runnels said, simply: "Culebra!" A moment later he announced: "We leave the P. R. R tracks here and switch in on the I. C. C. Now you'll begin to see something." Down into the Cut the little car went, and at last Anthony saw the active pulsating heart of this stupendous undertaking.

"He wants you to join him up at the Culebra cut," the youngster continued. "The two who left the cottage last night are there waiting for you." "Glory be!" shouted Jack. "We were just wondering what had become of them." "They wandered out to Gatun and came upon the lieutenant," said the messenger. "In the night?" asked Peter, suspiciously. "A little while before daybreak," was the ready reply.

There the vista ended. For at Paraiso the canal turns to the left for its plunge through Culebra hill, and all that follows, Empire, Cascadas, and far Gatun, was visible only in the imagination. If only the film of time might roll back and there pass again before our eyes all that has come to pass within sight of Ancon hilltop.

If they did not find any old comrades there, they would at least find provisions, water, and firearms, and so be able, as they thought, to despoil me of my diamonds. Also Kidd had hopes of falling in with Captain Hux, a worthy of the same kidney, who commanded the "free-trader" Culebra, and whose favorite cruising-ground was northward of San Ambrosio. "But in my opinion," observed Mr.

He did not tell how Joe had nearly lost his life in helping get the films, for Blake was modest, as was his chum, and, as he said, it was "all in the day's work." Joe was left to recover from the shock and slight injuries at Gatun, while Blake and Mr. Alcando were at Culebra.

"We expect to get some moving pictures of a big slide if one occurs." "Not that we want it to," explained Joe quickly. "I understand," the captain went on with a smile. "But if it is going to happen you want to be here." "Exactly," Blake said. "We want to show the people what a slide in Culebra looks like, and what it means, in hard work, to get rid of it."