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"Leaving at once, the telegram said," answered Clancey. "'Meet me with escort before I reach the buttes. That's the message I was told to give the lieutenant." Hunk Smith leaned from the box-seat. "Mebbe Pop's driving him over himself in the buckboard," he volunteered. "Pop often takes 'em over that way if they miss the stage." "That's how it is, of course," cried Crosby.

"He's on his way now in the buckboard." Hunk Smith surveyed the troopers dismally and shook his head. "If he runs up against the Red Rider, it's 'good-by' your pay, boys," he cried. "Fall in there!" shouted Crosby. "Corporal Tynan, fall out with two men and escort these ladies to the fort." He touched his hat to Miss Post, and, with Curtis at his side, sprang into the trail. "Gallop!

It may also be mentioned that the Skinners had a chance to revenge themselves on the Cowboys for their defeat at the Crosby house. They fell upon the latter at the tent-shaped cave in Yonkers, it is called Washington's Cave, because the general napped there on bivouac, and not only routed them, but secured so much of their treasure that they were able to be honest for several years after.

"You would not need it when it arrived," Crosby answered. "And you would hang to-morrow." "You have worked so secretly that I hardly think suspicion would fall upon me. I could go as quietly as I came, and no one be any the wiser." "You shall be humoured, Mr. Crosby. I never thought to cross blades with a man ripe for Tyburn Tree, but the blade can be snapped afterwards."

Crosby!" he called again. She stopped, turned, and waited. It was clear that Lady Fan was a nickname, Clare thought. "Well?" she asked. Clare clasped her hands together in her excitement, watching and listening, and holding her breath. "Don't go like that!" exclaimed Brook, going forward and holding out one hand. "Do you want me?" asked the lady in white, very gently, almost tenderly.

Crosby, of Castlemaine " "Oh, d n! It's little he'll count in a week from this!" "Still, I've no doubt Colonel Sullivan will arrange it," Asgill answered smoothly. It was evident that he thought The McMurrough was saying too much. "Sure he's managed a harder thing."

And Martin sat down on a low stool by the open hearth and began pushing back the sticks and rubbish which lay there into a heap, as if it were his intention to light a fire. "Come, Master Fairley, rise once more to the occasion," said Crosby. "I'm sitting down to it this time," was the answer. "Riding made my knees sore, and fighting has put an ache in my back."

By the courtesy and special thoughtfulness of Secretary Crosby, of the United States Legation, a carriage ticket was placed at our disposal, after all hope of obtaining the coveted privilege had been abandoned. The German Emperor can place, if need be, nearly three million trained soldiers in the field.

He walked through the woods to the high road, and if he saw a peasant whose face was unfamiliar, waited for him lest he should prove a fugitive and bring news. On Tuesday Lenfield knew that Sedgemoor had been fought and lost, and that Monmouth was a fugitive. In which direction he had fled was not known, but Crosby hazarded a guess and rode some distance towards Cranbourne Chase.

Another mongrel had been added to the Crosby collection, so the canine herd now numbered twenty, all in the best of health and spirits. Some unpleasantness had been caused at the breakfast table by a gentle hint from Juliet to the effect that the dog supply seemed somewhat in excess of the demand. She had added insult to injury by threatening to chloroform the next dog her brother brought home.