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I myself now even I, Thomas Cringle, Esquire, amongst sundry vain imaginings, conceive that I have a Conscience somewhat of the caoutchouc order I will confess stretching a little upon occasion, when the gale of my passions blows high, nevertheless a highly respectable Conscience, as things go a stalwart unchancy customer, who will not be gainsaid or contradicted; but he may be disobeyed, although never with impunity.

Her voice was becoming more and more weak, she said, so she must be prompt. "You have some trinkets for me, Mr Cringle?" I presented them. She kissed the crucifix fervently, and then looked mournfully on her own miniature. "This was thought like once, Mr Cringle. Are the newspaper accounts of his trial correct?" she next asked. I answered, that in the main facts they were.

Nevertheless, such a society in my juvenile estimation, during my short escapade from the middy's berth, had its charms, and I was rolling in with a tolerable swagger, when Mr. Treenail pinched my arm. "Mr. Cringle, come here into my room."

"But," continued he, "you will come, Mr Cringle?" "Certainly," said I, "tomorrow I will call, if my friend Don Ricardo will be my guide." This being fixed, we strolled about until dinnertime, friend Aaron making his remarks regarding the people and their domiciles with great naivety. And so he did, as will be seen by and by.

Bang laughed outright, and I could not help making a hole in my manners also, even prepared as I was for my jest by my sable crony Pegtop. To proceed. Aaron looked at me with one of his quizzical grins; "Cringle, my darling, do you keep these Logs still?" "I do, my dear sir, invariably." This was too absurd, and I could not answer my allies for laughing.

Treenail rumbling and stumbling in his stateroom, as he accoutred himself in a jacket similar to those of the armed boat's crew whom I had passed, and presently he stepped into the gunroom, armed also with cutlass and pistol. "Mr. Cringle, get ready to go in the boat with me, and bring your arms with you." I now knew whereabouts I was, and that my Cork friends were the quarry at which we aimed.

Here Pegtop doubled himself up, and laughed like to split himself. "Dem is all dining in bed, Massa. Shall I show you to dem?" "I shall be obliged; but don't let me intrude. Give my compliments, and say I have looked in simply to enquire after their health." Here Mr Wagtail shouted from the inner apartment. "Hillo! Tom, my boy! Tom Cringle! here, my lad, here!"

Involuntarily I raised my hand, when the whole suddenly disappeared. I turned, I could scarcely tell why, to look at the dying girl. A transient flush had again lit up her pale wasted face. She was evidently greatly excited. "Can you read me that riddle, Mr Cringle?

I have often laughed over the figure we must have cut, but at the time there was that going on that would have made Comus himself look grave. I had at length fairly aroused the sleeping devil within him. "Look out there, Lieutenant look out there," and he pointed with his sinister claw down to leeward. I did so whew! what a sight for poor Master Thomas Cringle!

However, some time afterwards, the President hunted him down, and got hold of him, but I believe he never punished him. As for the wounded man, whether he did live or die, Tom Cringle does not know. We were reconducted by our former escort to where we left our horses, remounted, and without farther let or hinderance arrived by day dawn at the straggling town of Jacmel.