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"It is coming on a roughish night, sir; the running ships should be crossing us hereabouts; indeed, more than once I thought there was a strange sail close aboard of us, the scud is flying so low, and in such white flakes; and none of us have an eye like Mr. Cringle, unless it be John Crow, and he is all but frozen." "Well, Tom, I suppose you will go." Anglice, from a first lieutenant to a mid

He had noticed me the moment I descended. "Heyday, Master Cringle, you are surely out of your watch. Why, what are you doing here, eh?" I stepped up to him, and told him the truth, that, being overfatigued, I had fallen asleep in the top. "Well, well, boy," said he, "never mind, go below, and turn in; if you don't take your rest, you never will be a sailor."

"I am sent, sir, to you from the Captain of the Haytian ship, the E , to request a visit from you, and to ask for a prayer book." "A what?" said Transom. "A prayer book, sir. I suppose you know that he and the Captain of that other Haytian ship, the P , are condemned to be shot tomorrow morning." "I know nothing of all this," said Transom. "Do you, Cringle?" "No, sir," said I.

If you find yourself wondering how I came to know about some of the things I'm going to tell you, just make believe I got it from the chickadee, who is the most confidential little chap in the world, or from the whisky-Jack, who makes a point, as you may have observed, of knowing everybody else's business." "Or from Jim Cringle?" inquired the Babe demurely. But Uncle Andy only frowned.

Tom Cringle says that no one can fathom a negro's affection for a pig; and I believe he is right, for it almost broke our poor darky's heart when he heard that Bess was to be taken ashore, and that he was to have the care of her no more during the whole voyage. He had depended upon her as a solace, during the long trips up and down the coast. "Obey orders, if you break owners!" said he.

"Beg pardon, Mr Splinter, but if you will spare Mr Cringle on the forecastle for an hour until the moon rises." "Why, Mr Kennedy, why? here, man, take a glass of grog." "I thank you, sir.

Tom Cringle, after detailing with a lively description the capture of a Yankee privateer, says that she was assigned to him for his next command. He had seen her under weigh, had admired her trim model, her tapering spars, her taut cordage, and the swiftness with which she came about and reached to windward.

When the first or highest row of reef points was used, the sail was single reefed; when the second was used, it was double reefed; and when the third row was used, it was close reefed. On each side of the sail, at the end of each reef band, was a cringle, or eye, in which the reef pendent was fastened.

"Tom," says she "Tom Cringle, I have got tired of you, Thomas; besides, I hear my next door neighbour, Madame Adversity, tirling at the door pin; so give me my down bed, Tom, and I'm off." With that she bangs open the window, and before I recover from my surprise, launches forth, with a loud whir, mattrass and all, leaving me, Pilgarlic, lying on the paillasse.

An instance "I say, Tom, my boy Tom Cringle why the deuce now" he won't say "the Devil" for the world "Why the deuce, Tom, don't you confine yourself to a pint of wine at dinner, eh?" quoth Conshy. "Why will you not give up your toddy after it? You are ruining your interior, Thomas, my fine fellow the gout is on the look out for you, your legs are spindling, and your paunch is increasing.