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I will try and dissuade her from the interview until the doctor comes, at all events. The worthy lady stepped again into Maria's apartment, and I could not avoid hearing what passed. "My dear Maria, Mr Cringle has no objection to wait on you; but after your severe attack this morning, I don't think it will be wise. Delay it until Dr Bergara comes at any rate, until the evening, Maria."

Michael Scott, in Tom Cringle, describes many Gargantuan repasts amongst the Kingston merchants, and as he himself was one of them, we can presume he knew what he was writing about. The men, too, habitually drank, of all beverages in the world to select in the scorching heat of Jamaica, hot brandy and water, and then they wondered that they died of yellow fever!

"My dear fellow," quoth Fyall, "we are all very sorry; the fact is, we had some d d bad shaddock after dinner, which has made us very giddy and foolish somehow. Do you know, I could almost fancy I had been drinking wine." "But hand us back little Whiffle," continued Fyall, "and we shall be off." Here Whiffie's voice was heard from the drawing room. "Here, Fyall! Tom Cringle!

A line of battle ship, three frigates, and a number of merchantmen at anchor men of war lovely craft, bands playing a good deal of the pomp and circumstance of war. Next forenoon, Mr Treenail, the second lieutenant, sent for me. "Mr Cringle," said he, "you have an uncle in Cork, I believe?" I said I had.

Look out, Transom; Tom Cringle, look out; for my part, I shall dive through the door, and take my chance." "No use in that," said Don Ricardo; "the two round openings there at the west end of the chapel, open on a dry shelf, from which the ground slopes easily upward to the house; let us put the ladies through them, and then we males can shift for ourselves as we best may."

He leant his arms upon the table, and gazed intensely on my face as he continued in a solemn tremulous tone "Do you believe in auguries, Mr Cringle? Do you believe that coming events cast their shadows before?" oh, that little Wiggy Campbell had been beside me to have seen the figure and face of the man who now quoted him!

Austin as Ariel, and Peter Richings as Caliban. Then other dramas, and fine players in them, Forrest as Metamora or Damon or Brutus John R. Scott as Tom Cringle or Rolla or Charlotte Cushman's Lady Gay Spanker in "London Assurance."

So, to avoid yarn spinning, I shall evaporate my early Logs, and blow off as much of the froth as I can, in order to present the residuum free of flummery to the reader just to give him a taste here and there, as it were, of the sort of animal I was at that time. Thus: Thomas Cringle, his log book. Arrived in Portsmouth by the Defiance at ten, A.M. on such a day.

The captain answered from the quarter-deck "Thank you, Mr. Cringle. How shall we steer?" "Keep her away a couple of points, sir, steady." "Steady," sung the man at the helm; and a slow melancholy cadence, although a familiar sound to me, now moaned through the rushing wind, and smote upon my heart as if it had been the wailing of a spirit.

Treenail took me to one side "Tom, Tom Cringle, you must go into this crimp-shop; pass yourself off for an apprentice of the Guava, bound for Trinidad, the ship that arrived just as we started, and pick up all the knowledge you can regarding the whereabouts of the men, for we are, as you know, cruelly ill manned, and must replenish as we best may."