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He had heard a Cree woman crooning in front of her tepee; he had heard the wild chant of the caribou song but he had never heard anything like this wonderful sweetness that fell from the lips of the girl. He forgot his master's presence now. Quietly, cringingly, so that she would not know, he lifted his head.

Was he going to fall? Before Patsy could do anything he recovered himself and spoke. "You have business with me?" he said to the tramp. "Yes, sir." Mr. Baker was suddenly cringingly respectful. "I came 'ere to talk business an' was set upon by this yere man o' yourn somethink crool. I'd sack him if I was you. Your 'orses wouldn't be safe with 'im, 'im bein' so 'ot-tempered."

And by the heaven above me, if you open your lips far enough for a fly to go in, I'll shoot you dead where you stand!" He gave me the keys with a hand that trembled so that he nearly dropped them. In spite of my injunction he mumbled something, and I was not unwilling to hear it. "I am the friend of Mme. Czerny," said he, cringingly; "trust me, signor, for God's sake trust me!"

Ingham-Baker almost cringingly. "I rang because I wanted to know if a parcel has come for me a parcel of floss-silk from that shop in Buckingham Palace Road, you know." "If it had come," replied Susan, with withering composure, "it would have been sent up to you." "Yes, yes, of course I know that, Susan.

There might be some explanation to excuse this game of god and devil, but until she knew the excuse she would vow no adhesion to a power whose conduct on that occasion seemed contrary to every canon of justice and mercy. She did not belong to the servile age when men, forgetting their manhood, fawned on patrons for what they could get, and cringingly accepted favours from the dirtiest hands.

"Then you mean to say you didn't, do you?" cried the bully, with another grab at my hand. What would have become of me I don't know, had not a sixth-form fellow come by at that moment, at the sight of whom Master Bangs let go my arm, smiled benevolently on me and cringingly on him, and then slunk away to his den, never to find me again within reach of his ten fingers if I could help it.

The local small fry are of course ignored, though to the great lady of the county, who cuts her in town, she is cringingly obsequious. The visitors consist mainly of relays of youths, fast, foolish, and fashionable, with now and then a stray politician or journalist thrown in to give the party a soupçon of intellect. The principle of invitation is very simple.

Oh, how I did hate this man, especially his sneering mouth! In my helplessness I would seek comfort in dreams of becoming a great man some day, rich and mighty, and avenging myself on him. Behold! Shmerl the Pincher is running after me, cringingly begging my pardon, and I, omnipotent and formidable, say to him: "Do you remember how you pinched the life out of me for nothing?

Then there came the day when Tim made his first acquaintance with field training, and beheld a loose and disorderly scramble which men called an advance. To him it seemed just a mob of masterless men, crawling and crouching on the grass, firing as they passed, and bowing cringingly before death.

Durnovo came back into the centre of the room and stood by the writing-table. His attitude was that of a man holding a whip over a cowering dog. He took up his hat and riding-whip with a satisfied little laugh, as if the dog had cringingly done his bidding. "Besides," he said, with a certain defiance of manner, "I may succeed without any of that eh?"