United States or Norfolk Island ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

They're going to have a dance and a house party and they want you to come on Tuesday and stay over till, say Thursday or Friday." She cogitated, looking very troubled. He was becoming used to the expression, it invariably followed his promptings to falsehood. "I suppose I could," she murmured. He pressed the hand tenderly.

But this is not the case with substance in the phenomenal world, which is not a thing in itself cogitated by the pure category. Phenomenal substance is not an absolute subject; it is merely a permanent sensuous image, and nothing more than an intuition, in which the unconditioned is not to be found.

It follows that these principles can have nothing else for their aim than the conditions of the empirical cognition in the unity of synthesis of phenomena. But this synthesis is cogitated only in the schema of the pure conception of the understanding, of whose unity, as that of a synthesis in general, the category contains the function unrestricted by any sensuous condition.

Told him she'd always stood off up to then because she was never quite sure what he meant afraid he didn't mean anything, and that she might get herself into no end of a row if she started playing around. Same with this little bit of goods, I'll lay." Bob was interested. "Shouldn't be surprised if you're right," he said; and moodily cogitated upon the line of action prescribed. Mr.

But how on earth did Judge Rossmore's daughter come to be travelling in the company of John Burkett Ryder's son? The more he thought of it the more it puzzled him, and while he cogitated, Shirley and her companions wrestled with the United States Customs, and were undergoing all the tortures invented by Uncle Sam to punish Americans for going abroad. Shirley and Mrs.

The cockswain shook his head and cogitated a moment, as if struck with sundry new ideas, when he answered: "Ay, ay, sir; that's blue-water philosophy: as deep as the sea! Let the riptyles clew up the corners of their mouths to their eyebrows, now! when they come to hear the ra'al Yankee truth of the matter, they will sheet them down to their leather neckcloths!"

But I cogitated, and took it on, and started life over again me! Began practising law again barrister, solicitor, notary public at forty. And at last I've got my chance in a big case against the Canadian Pacific. It'll make me or break me, Dan.... There, I wanted you to see where I stand with Di; and now I want you to promise me that you'll not leave these rooms till I see you again.

Birt cogitated for a moment. "Nate Griggs ain't goin' ter gin his cornsent ter nobody ter dig ennywhar down the ravine, ef it air inside o' his lines," he said confidently, "'kase I 'kase he leastwise, 'kase gold hev been fund hyar lately, an' he hev entered the land." The professor stopped short in the path. "Gold!" he ejaculated. "Gold!" Was there a vibration of incredulity in his voice?

"She cometh unto her," said Maude, immediately adding, in a matter-of-fact way, "without she should send Mistress Sybil or some other." "Good. "But God heareth us, and conceiveth us, Madam," said Maude timidly, "and Dame Agnes no doth." "Truth, my maid. Therein faileth my parable. But setting this aside, tell me, how shall the Credo give to wit thy need?" Maude cogitated for a minute in silence.

"Retire, varlet," he said, with a wave of his hand. "Prate not to thy betters." That evening Tommy sat on the bed, and cogitated deeply. Would Conrad again accompany the girl? If he did not, should he risk trying to make an ally of her? He decided that he must leave no stone unturned. His position was desperate. At eight o'clock the familiar sound of the key turning made him spring to his feet.