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On the contrary, after complimenting her on the subject of David's collar and David's bath, he had got her talking about herself; and she had told him about Willie, and about Atchison, and about her desire to go home to New England. "My sakes!" said she to herself; "what a chatterbox I'm getting to be in my old age! What must he have thought of me?"

And have no words with your husband, or he'll outlive you; it's his only chance of getting the last word. Care killed a cat, a nanimal with eight lives more than a chatterbox. If you worry or excite your brain, little Maxley, you will cook your own goose by a quick fire." "Dear heart, these be unked sayings. Won't ye give me nothing to make me better, sir?"

I dare say I was, as Father Dan used to say, as full of mischief as a goat, and I know I was a chatterbox, but I do not think I deserved the fate that followed. One day, not more than a week after we had been sent to school. I held my slate in front of my face while I whispered something to the girl beside and the girl behind me. Both began to titter.

He was a character, you know. I often think Peter will be a character when he grows old. He is so disagreeable at times." "I thought you were so fond of Peter?" said John, looking amusedly down on the little chatterbox beside him. "Not exactly fond of him.

If I don't run away, I must live, like poor Harry Somerville, on a long legged stool; and if I do that, I'll I'll " As Charley spoke, the door opened, and his father entered. "Well, my boy," said he, seating himself on the bedside and taking his son's hand, "how goes it now? Head getting all right again? I fear that Kate has been talking too much to you. Is it so, you little chatterbox?"

That may well have been the starting-point of illness. Well, bother it all!... And, by the way, that Zametov certainly is a nice fellow, but hm... he shouldn't have told all that last night. He is an awful chatterbox!" "But whom did he tell it to? You and me?" "And Porfiry." "What does that matter?" "And, by the way, have you any influence on them, his mother and sister?

You catch it somehow, and have a feverish cold of your own. And I am quite useful to him. You see, I am such a chatterbox that people think I let out things by accident, which I never do. I let out what I want to let out on purpose, and they think they are pumping me. I had a long conversation the other day with one of the German Embassy, all about Irish affairs.

"Now I am No. 3 I who used to retort and keep girls in their places with difficulty. Here is Ned Severne, too, reduced to silence. Why, where's your tongue? Miss Gale, you would hardly believe it, this is our chatterbox. We have been days and days, and could not get in a word edgewise for him.

The playwright who deals with Henry VIII is bound to present him, in the schoolboy's phrase, as "a great widower." William the Silent must not be a chatterbox, Torquemada a humanitarian, Ivan the Terrible a conscientious opponent of capital punishment. And legend has its fixed points no less than history.

Papa spends nearly all his time at the factory, the drug store, the dispensary, and visiting his patients. I declare, Jim, I'll die if you go away again. I just can't stand it." She dropped at last into a chair exhausted. Stuart smilingly took her hand: "Lonely, Miss Chatterbox when that big father of yours worships the very ground you walk on!"