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Our French author tells us he has seen another copy of this memorial at the end of the dedication to Pope Alexander VII. The author signs his name thus, at full length, 'Paulmier, Pretre Indien Chanoine de l'Eglise Cathedrale de Lizieux. The proprietor of this copy has added a note, testifying that this copy was given him by the author himself in 1664.

In the Place de la Cathédrale we saw soldiers pushing people along with their saw-toothed bayonets to disperse a crowd which was gaping, stupefied, at some unusual proceeding. As we stood there, an automobile, with eight Prussian officers in it, came banging down the street, loose bolts jingling, and was just disappearing around a corner when Madame R. exclaimed "Oh, that's our Reynaud!"

The dich that environed the old town was a very deepe and strong Thynge," and again "Osmunde, erle of Dorchestre, and after Bishop of Saresbyri, erected his Cathedrale church ther in the west part of the town; and also his palace; whereof now no token is but only a chapel of Our Lady yet standing and mainteynid.... Ther was a paroch of the Holy Rode beside in Old-Saresbyri and another over the est gate Whereof some tokens remayne.

There's a special ceremony in the cathedral the chantry window is to be unveiled." "The chantry window? How picturesque! What is a chantry? And why do you want to see it unveiled? Are you after copy doing something in the Huysmans manner? 'La Cathedrale, eh?" "Oh, no." Mrs. Fetherel hesitated. "I'm going simply to please my uncle," she said, at last. "Your uncle?" "The Bishop, you know."

"A man of excellent parts, both in divinity and knowledge of the laws: very vigilant and active he was for the good both of the ecclesiastical and civil state." He was silenced during the civil war, but restored in 1660. On his tombstone, at Walthamstow, it is said "Templum Cathedrale Wellense reparavit, Episcopale Palatium exædificavit, coelis maturus terris valedixit an. æt. 94 salut. 1670."

There is one where the hotels and cafés are found, another across the drawbridge behind the Cathedral-tower, and a tiny one before the church itself. This is the most curious of them all; for, far from being a "Place de la Cathédrale," it is a true "Place d'Armes."

"Princess Sofia Vladimirovna tells me he is a very remarkable preacher," remarked the old Empress, the Emperor's mother, one day to her son: "Faites le venir. Il peut precher a la cathedrale." "No, it would be better in the palace church," said the Emperor, and ordered the hermit Isidor to be invited.

So his father-in-law sent him some information about the place, and added: "Ne manquez pas surtout de voir l'interieur de la Salle Synodale qui est peut-etre la plus belle salle gothique du monde apres celle de Westminster. Le tresor de la Cathedrale est interessant. "Je continue a me porter beaucoup mieux. Les nuits sont bonnes. "A bientot, puisque vous avez la bonne pensee de revenir.

Je n'ai jamais pu savoir ce que souhaiter une fete voulait dire, mais si c'est quelque bien, comme la sante, par exemple, tu sais quels sont mes voeux; enfin je voudrais te savoir aussi heureuse que possible: "Je ne trouve pas que la couleur de la cathedrale de Freiburg soit desagreable.

La Compagnie s'assemble tous les Jeudis dans la Cathedrale, a porte fermee, et la elles se disent les unes aux autres tout ce qu'elles on appris. C'est une espece d'Inquisition contre toutes les personnes qui ne sont pas unies avec les Jesuites.