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"Deil that they were back at their German kale-yard then, as my neighbour MacCroskie ca's it," said Mrs. Howden, "an that's the way they're gaun to guide us!" "They say for certain," said Miss Damahoy, "that King George flang his periwig in the fire when he heard o' the Porteous mob." "He has done that, they say," replied Saddletree, "for less thing."

"Troth," replied the merchant, "and if my duty were to be dune, ye couldna change your atmosphere, as the minister ca's it, this ae wee while. Ochon, that I sud ever be concerned in aiding and abetting an escape frae justice! it will be a shame and disgrace to me and mine, and my very father's memory, for ever."

"O, Heaven help me!" exclaimed poor Effie "My poor father my dear Jeanie O, that's sairest to bide of a'! O, sir, if you hae ony kindness if ye hae ony touch of compassion for a' the folk I see here are as hard as the wa'-stanes If ye wad but bid them let my sister Jeanie in the next time she ca's! for when I hear them put her awa frae the door, and canna climb up to that high window to see sae muckle as her gown-tail, it's like to pit me out o' my judgment."

After another false alarm from the gate she asked her gude-mon, as she had asked many times before: "What'll ye do, Jamie, when the meenister kens aboot Bobby, an' ca's ye up afore kirk sessions for brakin' the rule?" "We wullna cross the brig till we come to the burn, woman," he invariably answered, with assumed unconcern.

That can hae no pairt i' what fowk ca's the plan o' salvation as gien the consumin fire o' the Love eternal was to be ca'd a plan! Hech, minister, it scunners me! But for the fut, it's aye perfec' eneuch to be my pattern, for it's the only ane I hae to follow! It's Himsel sets the shape o' the shune this or that man maun weir!"

"Who, then, could it be?" said Edith, a little startled herself now, and she explained the mystery of the garden. He was as nonplussed as herself, but, scratching his bushy head, he said, with a canny look, "I wud be glad if Hannibal's 'spook, as he ca's it, would eoom doon and hoe a bit for me," and Edith was so cheered and refreshed that she could even join him in the laugh.

Maclure's information confirmed Morton in these impressions. "In the grey of the morning," she said, "my little Peggy sail show ye the gate to him before the sodgers are up. But ye maun let his hour of danger, as he ca's it, be ower, afore ye venture on him in his place of refuge. Peggy will tell ye when to venture in.

"They speak about stopping the frequency of child-murder," said he, in a contemptuous tone; "do ye think our auld enemies of England, as Glendook aye ca's them in his printed Statute-book, care a boddle whether we didna kill ane anither, skin and birn, horse and foot, man, woman, and bairns, all and sindry, omnes et singulos, as Mr. Crossmyloof says?

"O, Heaven help me!" exclaimed poor Effie "My poor father my dear Jeanie O, that's sairest to bide of a'! O, sir, if you hae ony kindness if ye hae ony touch of compassion for a' the folk I see here are as hard as the wa'-stanes If ye wad but bid them let my sister Jeanie in the next time she ca's! for when I hear them put her awa frae the door, and canna climb up to that high window to see sae muckle as her gown-tail, it's like to pit me out o' my judgment."

'Maybe the bonny man, as Steenie ca's him, returned David, 'may hae as muckle compassion for the puir thing i' the hert o' 'im as Steenie himsel! 'Ow ay! Whatfor no! But what can the bonny man himsel du, a' bein sattlet?