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Daniel and I agreed with each other famously. For he liked me. He took walks with me, and we went bathing together after I had done my morning's writing. We crabbed in the Manasquan River, and fished. Once, when I was galloping along the road in imitation of a horse, with him perched on my shoulders "Say, Johnnie, I like you ... I won't call you buzzer any more!"

It was going to be a bad day. As he pushed his way nervously through the crowds toward the Exit Strip, Walter Towne turned the dismal prospect over and over in his mind. The potential gloominess of this particular day had descended upon him the instant the morning buzzer had gone off, making it even more tempting than usual just to roll over and forget about it all.

One evening, after he had indulged us with a more than usual dose, and was leaving the room to dress for an eight o'clock dinner at Long's, 'Buzzer! exclaimed the old man, clutching our arm, as the tears started to his eyes, 'Buzzer! that's an amaazin' instance of a pop'lar man! And certainly, if a large acquaintance is a criterion of popularity, young Puffington, as he was then called, had his fair share.

Connect one of the binding posts of the buzzer with one post of the switch, the other post of the latter with the zinc post of the dry cell and the carbon post of this to the other post of the buzzer.

One of the pleasant duties of the doughboy buzzer operators one day in spring was to receive and transmit to Major J. Brooks Nichols the message from his royal majesty, King George of Great Britain and Ireland, that for gallantry in action he had been honored with election to the Distinguished Service Order, the D. S. O.

Turn on the buzzer." After a time the sleepy voice of Mrs. Henderson answered. "Has Hart gone?" panted Edith Carr. "No! He came in late and began to talk about starting to California. He hasn't slept in weeks to amount to anything. I put him to bed. There is time enough to start to California when he awakens. Edith, what are you planning to do next with that boy of mine?"

"It is receiving them that would fuss me." "We'll fix you up with a buzzer and let you and Walter practice later if you want a try." "Could you?" asked Dick eagerly. "Sure! Moreover, there are phonograph records made on purpose to be used by beginners. Perhaps your father will get you some of those. It is a fine way to learn, training your ear to the sounds and giving you lots of practice."

The buzzer was snarling like a huge bumblebee above the head of the couch. Below it sprawled the giant, eyes tightly closed and mouth slightly ajar. From the lips of Koku were emitted sounds worthy of Rad Sampson in his deepest slumbers! "Asleep?" gasped Tom, stepping cat-like into the room. And then he was suddenly aware of a sickish, heavy odor in the chamber. The window had been closed.

When I told him why I wanted them, he seemed to be as anxious as I was to find the old plates." "And the fire and the rugs and everything you don't know how I appreciate it all. I had no idea " "I like surprises, myself," he said. "I suppose that's why I like to surprise others. The keys of the desk are in the top drawer, and I have set aside the brightest boy in the office to answer your buzzer.

Now, now jis' look yere! Ef that Battles chap hain't scratched the hull top of this table with a buzzer! I'd lam him good ef I was you, I would." "Do you think our Kindergarten would be the pleasant place it is if I whipped little boys every day?" "No-o-o! But there is times" "Yes, I know, Patsy, but I have never found them."