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Len, who's about the size of a freight car, smiles kind of sickish at this, and says he hopes there's no hard feelings among old friends and lodge brothers; and Egbert says, Oh, no! It would just be in the nature of a friendly contest, which he feels very much like having one, since he can be pushed just so far; but Cora says gambling has brutalized him.

"It don't look very nice," said Uncle William, "and the man that made it never had a stitch of clothes on his back in his life; but I guess you better take it." The young man opened his lips. The thing slid down, leaving a sickish, sweetish taste behind it. Uncle William brought him a glass of water. "I know how it tastes, but I reckon it'll do the work.

"I am growing quite accustomed to them." "No, no; not that. It is something else. A stale, sickish smell." Martin sampled the air before replying. "I can't smell anything else, except stale tobacco smoke," he announced. "That's it. It is terrible. Why do you smoke so much, Martin?" "I don't know, except that I smoke more than usual when I am lonely. And then, too, it's such a long-standing habit.

And Elburtus, not wantin' to hurt his feelin's, drinked about 3 quarts. It made him deathly sick, for it went aginst his stomach from the first: he never loved it. And Miss Bobbet duz fix it dretful sickish, sweetens it with sale mollasses for one thing. Oh, how sick that feller wus when he come in to supper! had to lay right down on the lounge.

He had Wood in to supper with him in his car, Boston did, the darky cooking it; and Wood said except it begun with their having pickled green plums, and some sort of messed-up stuff that tasted like spoilt salt fish and made him feel sickish it was the best supper he ever eat.

The same reason that kept me from exploring the first of them kept me from exploring any of them: the dread of finding in their shadowy depths grisly horrors in the way of dead men long lying there; and, indeed, I was distinctly warned to hurry away from some of them by the vile stenches which came to me and made my stomach turn sickish and my blood go cold.

"Maybe the Chief's bombs " "Maybe," said Joe. He hesitated. "Hold up your hand." She held it up. His ring was still on it. She nodded. "Still there. When will you be back?" He shook his head. He didn't know. It was curious that one wanted so badly to talk to a girl after doing something that was blood-stirring and left one rather sickish afterward.

It was evidently food of some sort, and we found it sweet but sickish, and those who were so hungry as to break up one of the balls and divide it among the others, making a good meal of it, were a little troubled with nausea afterwards.

It was plainly unhealthy, perhaps because of the dampness and fungous growths in the cellar, the general sickish smell, the drafts of the hallways, or the quality of the well and pump water. These things were bad enough, and these were all that gained belief among the persons whom I knew.

She could not pin her fluttering mind to what it said, because she felt sickish at the oil of service, the grease of butlerhood that floated on it, but phrases came to her. He was asking the village people what would happen when the squire came home and heard of this; and reminding them that they were all the squire's tenants. A silence fell on her pursuers. From the rear old Mr.