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Always of the thoughtful temperament, she had been rapidly developed first by Burlingham and now by Tom Brashear had been taught not only how to think but also how to gather the things to think about. With a few exceptions the girls at the factory were woefully unclean about their persons.

"We'll go in and meet the others your fellow stars for this is an all-star aggregation." Over the broad entrance to the cabin was a chintz curtain strung upon a wire. Burlingham drew this aside. Susan was looking into a room about thirty feet long, about twelve feet wide, and a scant six feet high. Across it with an aisle between were narrow wooden benches with backs.

Last I seed of him he was up to the corner yonder. He was movin' fast." Burlingham gave a kind of groan. Susan read in his face his fear, his suspicion the suspicion he was ashamed of himself for having. She noted vaguely that he talked with the policeman aside for a few minutes, after which the policeman went up the levee. Burlingham rejoined his companions and took command.

His confidence in her was contagious; it was so evident that he really did believe in her. And Pat, too, wagged his head in a way that made her feel good about herself. Then Burlingham called in the others whom he had sent to the forward deck. Before them the girl went all to pieces. She made her entrance badly, she sang worse.

For intelligent living is in large part learning to ignore the unprofitable that one may concentrate upon the profitable. Burlingham announced that they would cast off and float down to Bethlehem. There was a chorus of protests. "Why, we ought to stay here a week!" cried Miss Anstruther. "We certainly caught on last night." "Didn't we take in seventeen dollars?" demanded Eshwell.

He hadn't the courage to tell her it would be three weeks at least, perhaps six or seven. He got leave of the ambulance surgeon for Susan to ride to the hospital, and he went along himself. As the ambulance sped through the dimly lighted streets with clanging bell and heavy pounding of the horse's hoofs on the granite pavement, Susan knelt beside Burlingham, holding one of his hot hands.

"But I thought I told you that it was not until I got to the works this morning that I discovered it would be impossible for me to take you to Burlingham to-day." "Then you ought to have found it out sooner." "Hang it all! I really can not find out things before they occur. Clever as I am, I am not quite clever enough for that.

Burlingham was looking at the younger woman she who sat on the edge of the little stage. She, too, was a blond, but her hair had taken to the chemical somewhat less reluctantly than had Miss Anstruther's, with the result that Miss Connemora's looked golden. Her face of the baby type must have been softly pretty at one time not so very distant.

Burlingham had his doubts, too; but he retorted warmly: "Don't you believe it, Eshie. City's an outside. Underneath, there's still the simple, honest, grassy-green heart of the country." Eshwell laughed. "So you've stopped jeering at jays. You've forgotten what a lot of tightwads and petty swindlers they are. Well, I don't blame you.

Burlingham, after a comprehensive glance at the panorama of summer and fruitfulness through which they were drifting, sprawled himself in the swayback chair, indicating to Susan that she was to face him in the rocker. "Sit down, my dear," said he. "And tell me you are at least eighteen and are not running away from home. You heard what Miss Connemora said."