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Updated: August 11, 2024

If I stay in this town they'll subpeeny me an' make me testify under oath, an' then I'll perjure myself an' get caught at it, an' I'm too old a gambler to get caught bluffin' on no pair. No, indeed, folks, I can't afford it, so I'm just a-goin' to fold my tent like the Arab an' silently fade away." Thus reasoned Mr. Hennage.

You ain't got no hand to come in on neither, an' I'll bet on it. You jest nacherally stacks in, relyin' on bluffin' me, or out-luckin' me on the draw. Well, you can't bluff; I'll see this yere through, says Cherokee, puttin' up two more sky-colored beans an' actin' like he's gettin' heated, 'if it takes my last chip.

"If that's Silver Dick," sez he, "I'll kill him." Barbie had also sprung up, an' she looked him square in the eyes. "If you harm a hair of his head I'll I'll do some shootin' myself." She pulled a little gun out of her bosom, an' we all stood quiet for a moment. It was easy to see 'at she wasn't bluffin': but I'm purty sure that Jabez an' I had different idees as to what she meant.

She looked at him with a strange, fiery intensity. "I not bluffin'," she replied quietly. "I do w'at I say. If I want say I put my hand in the fire, I hold it there till it burn off. You know that." In his heart he did know it, however he might rage at being forced to do what she wanted him to do. "I don't care!" he cried. "You can't lead me by the nose! I'm my own master.

I wondered why he hadn't told her about this luck o' his, but I kep' quiet an' watched to see if he was bluffin'. "I was cleanin' the walk off when he come home nex' night. Sure enough, there was his arms laid full o' bundles. An' his face it done me good to see it. "'Come on up an' help get dinner, he yelled out, like a kid, an' I thought I actually seen him smilin'.

I allers allows, after he gets this missive, that he sees the need of money that a-way an' plenty of it; an' that it's got to come quick. "Most likely he's been bluffin' some parties in the East about how rich he is an' how lucrative he's doin', sech bluffs bein' common in the West, an' now along comes events an' folks he's fooled, an' his bluff is called.

"A good, decent rain would save lots of trouble to-morrow," said Norton as he and Hollis stood on the porch, taking a last look at the sky before going to bed. "Do you really think Dunlavey will carry out his threat?" questioned Hollis. "Somehow I can't help but think that he was bluffing when he said it." "He don't do much bluffin'," declared Norton. "At least he ain't done much up to now."

He's improved a good deal in euchre lately, and in poker well! he's got that sorter dreamy, listenin'-to-the-angels kind o' way that you can't exactly tell whether he's bluffin' or has got a full hand. Hasn't he?" he asked, appealing to Union Mills. But that gentleman, who had been watching the dark face of the Right Bower, preferred to take what he believed to be his cue from him.

"It ain't no use bluffin'. Ain't Silent told you that I'm on the inside of the game?" "You fool!" cried Rogers. "Don't use that name!" Dan slipped a couple of paces down the hall and flattened himself against the wall just as the door opened. Rogers looked out, drew a great breath of relief, and went back into the room. Dan resumed his former position. "Now talk fast!" said Rogers.

The more he thought of it, the more full of the devil he got. Just before I left the place he wrote me a long letter and slipped it to me in a hunk of bread. He said he'd made up his mind to kill her and Grand as soon as he got out. You can tell by a convict's looks whether he's bluffin' or not. I tell you, Davy, I sees it in Brad's face. He meant what he said.

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