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Colonel Baigent gazed after the omnibus, then back through the passage-way leading past the booking-office to the platform. All this was new to him.

'But wasn't it clever of me to know you at once? 'It's it's about the cleverest thing I've come across in all my born days, stammered Colonel Baigent, collapsing into his chair, and then suddenly clutching the arms of it and peering forward. 'But, of course, I've known you for ever so long, really, she went on, and nodded again as if to reassure him. 'Oh! "of course," is it?

And as a spider, its thread snapping, drops upon the floor, so Colonel Baigent fell to earth out of his dreaming. With a sudden impulse of his hands against the table's edge, he thrust back the chair and stood erect. His bottle of claret was all but empty, and he bethought him that he had left his cigar-case upstairs.

'But I knew him first! she exclaimed, 'Yes, Aunt Netta, it's him! it's him, him, HIM! And isn't it just perfectly glorious? 'You must excuse my niece, sir that is to say, if you are really Colonel 'Baigent, ma'am. I think you know my name; though how or why that should be, passes my comprehension. She bowed to him, timidly, a trifle stiffly. 'It is an honour to have met you, sir.

After the trial had been proceeding for some time, Baigent was giving evidence of the family pedigree. Honeyman whispered, "We might as well have the first chapter of Genesis and read that." "Genesis!" said Hawkins; "I want to get to the last chapter of Revelation." One day Mr. J.L. Toole came in, and was invited to sit next to Mr. Hawkins, which he did.

'Ma'am, he said gently, 'you have taken me for a friend, and God knows, my friends are few enough. I am going to treat you as a very old friend, and to dismiss all tact. You will eat your Christmas dinner with me to-morrow, here, in this house. On his way back to the hotel Colonel Baigent halted to stare up at the minster tower.

I have an aunt at home, an invalid, who will be very proud when she hears of this. She has followed your career with great interest I believe I may say, ever since you were a boy at the college. She has talked about you so often, you must forgive the child for being excited. Come, Charis! Thank Colonel Baigent, and say good-night.

Admissions were also obtained that when he saw the Claimant at Alresford Station neither knew the other, although Baigent had never altered in the least, as he alleged. There was another witness allotted to me, and that was Carter, an old servant of Roger whilst he was in the Carabineers.

'Netta, dear, she asked at length, 'do you think we might ask the colonel to honour us by sharing our Christmas dinner to-morrow? In that luckless moment Colonel Baigent glanced up, caught sight of Miss Netta's face, and saw that in it which made his own colour to the roots of his hair. Then he gave a gulp, and faced the situation like the brave man he was.

His name was Manton, and he was a sergeant. He told Baigent something that had happened while Roger was his officer, and Baigent told the Claimant. Manton afterwards saw the huge man, and failed to recognize him in any way. But when the Claimant repeated to him what he had told Baigent, Manton opened his eyes. This looked like proof of his being the man.