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When he climbed dripping, and with his hair plastered down on his forehead, into the boat, the Albanian stared at him as if in surprise. "What's the matter?" said Dion in French, when he was dry and getting into his clothes. But the man only replied: "Monsieur tres fort molto forte, moi aussi tres fort. Monsieur venez sempre con moi!"

Il y avoit aussi

Chapter iv. 5. Aussi quiconque se donnera la peine de vous remonstrer de quelque façõ, en quelque lieu, & en quelque temps qu'il le fasse, qu'il soit écouté de vostre part auec beaucoup de ressentiment de bienueillance & de reconnoissance. Et apres cela, si vous vous sentez innocent, & qu'il vous semble

Our driver had no sooner pronounced these words, than I was struck with a suspicion, that he himself was the executioner of his friend Mandrin. On that suspicion, I exclaimed, "Ah! ah! Joseph!" The fellow blushed up to the eyes, and said, Oui, son nom etoit Joseph aussi bien que le mien, "Yes, he was called Joseph, as I am."

M. LE REDACTEUR: D'apres votre article dans la "New-York Tribune," copie du "Chicago News," je me figure que les habitants de Chicago ayant grand besoin d'un systeme de prononciation francaise, je prends la liberte de vous envoyer par la malle-poste le No. 2 d'un ouvrage que je viens de publier; si vous desirez les autres numeros, je me ferai un plaisir de vous les envoyer aussi.

Second, we look to ourselves with feeble hands and perhaps little talent, and the thought comes to us, that with all we have we are to seek not our own glorification but the joy of others. "Le beau est aussi utile que l'utile, plus peutêtre." Victor Hugo.

La meme fermete qui sert a resister a l'amour sert aussi a le rendre violent et durable. It is only in war that the unexpected admittedly happens. In love and other domestic calamities there is always a relative who knew it all the time. The news that Napoleon was in Vilna, hastily evacuated by the Russians in full retreat, came as a surprise and not to all as a pleasant one, in Dantzig.

Aussi, sommes-nous convaincus que si les puissantes machines, veritable source de la production et de l'industrie de nos jours, doivent recevoir des modifications radicales, ce sera a des hommes d'imagination, et non point a dea hommes purement speciaux, que l'on devra cette transformation." E. M. BATAILLE, Traite des Machines a Vapeur.

Then when Europe no longer offers any food for his curiosity, he starts for Constantinople, where he remains for a year, and then arrives in Persia, where the opportunity and Quelque diable, aussi, le poussant,

"Hola! there is la petite peeping from behind the door. A toi, aussi, ma petite! Mon Dieu! but the lass has a good color!" "There is one thing, fair sir," said the Cambridge student in his piping voice, "which I would fain that you would make more clear.