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Updated: August 15, 2024

"Augh, take a tumble, boy!" ejaculated Waldo, giving a jerk that rendered compliance nearly literal, though scarcely full of grace. "Want to have the whole gang make a howling break this way? Want to They're white all right, though!" "Where? Which direction? Point them out, and I fail to see anything which would bear out your "

Mr. began the operation; but, having forced his head and shoulder out, could get no farther, and called again to the postilion. "Augh! did any one ever see any one get out of a chay head foremost? Can't your honour put out your feet first, like a Christian?"

Is to come to-morrow." "He shall have the eight hundred." "That makes two thousand four hundred; why, his whole stock won't cover it." "No!" "Don't understand it, it is too deep for me. What is the old gentleman doing?" "Hunting Will-o'-the-wisp. Throwing it away in speculations that are colored bright for him by a man that wants to ruin him." "Aha!" cackled Crawley. "And do him no harm." "Augh!

"Well, and what was he the betther o' having more prate than a Scotchman?" asked the other. "Why," answered Kelly's friend, "I think it stands to rayson that the man that done out the Scotch steward ought to know somethin' more about farmin' than Mikee Coghlan." "Augh! don't talk to me about knowing," said the other, rather contemptuously.

McGrath when that gentleman remarked, "Begorra! but it's illigant sport it'd be if the bass 'ud only bite at them things!" "Bite at them?" said I, turning round: "of course they'll bite at them." "Sorra bit will they, sorr. It's just wondherin' they are if them things up above is good to ate, but they're too lazy to step up an' inquire. Augh, be me sowl! but it's the thruth I tell you.

What would a laryer be if he did not know how to cheat a witness and humbug a jury? knows he is lying, why is he lying? for love of his fees, or his fame like, which gets fees; Augh! is not that cheating others? The doctor, too, Master Fillgrave, for instance? " "Say no more of doctors; I abandon them to your satire, without a word." "The lying knaves!

"Augh! then, the Colonel was a very fine gentleman, what the larned calls a my-seen-ass, wrote little songs himself, 'crossticks, you knows, your honour: once he made a play 'cause why, he lived with an actress!" "A very good reason, indeed, for emulating Shakespear; and did the play succeed?" "Fancy it did, your honour; for the Colonel was a dab with the scissors." "Scissors! the pen, you mean?"

'fegs you've a soul, man! a soul fit for the forty- second! augh! A soul above the inches of five feet two!" There was something bitter and sneering in the Traveller's aspect as he now, regarding Dealtry, repeated "Vagrant humph! And pray what is a vagrant?" "What is a vagrant?" echoed Peter, a little puzzled. "Yes! answer me that." "Why, a vagrant is a man what wanders, and what has no money."

"Why, you knows, your honour," answered the Corporal, "so far as vartue's concerned, there's a deal in constitution; but as for knowledge of the world, one gets it oneself!" "I don't wonder, Bunting as your opinion of women is much the same as your opinion of men that you are still unmarried." "Augh! but your honour mistakes! I am no mice-and-trope.

"No, Bunting, I fear not," said Walter, spurring through the gates of the yard; "Good day." "Augh, then," cried the Corporal, hobbling breathlessly after him, "if so be as I shan't see your honour agin, at which I am extramely consarned, will your honour recollect your promise, touching the 'tato ground? The steward, Master Bailey, 'od rot him, has clean forgot it augh!"

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