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And yet, John," he added, sinking his voice into a confidential whisper, "I protest to my honor that the life of a man I mane, as you say, a magistrate who resolves firmly to perform his duty, is not extramely safe; why then should a man I mane a magistrate unnecessarily expose himself to the fate of Going,* when he might much more safely remain snug and quiet, without putting either himself or his neighbors to inconvanience by an over-strict discharge of his duty?"

The worthy official shook his head with a kind of very high-minded pride, as much as to say, I am far above the level of such observations. "Mr. Purcel," said he "he hem hem I am sorry to hear that you could give way to such extramely indiscreet and disrespectful language as this." "Swear him, sir," said Purcel, "and let him be put to his oath, for I protest to heaven, Mr.

In this draw aforesaid, just like a rid granite gravestone sat a rid granite Injun, 'a good Injun, mind you. In his hands was trailin' a broken wreath of pink blossoms, an' near as an Injun can, an' a Frenchman can't, he was lovin' 'em fondly. My appearance, unannounced by me footman, disconcerted him extramely. He rose up an' he looked a mile tall.

"No, Bunting, I fear not," said Walter, spurring through the gates of the yard; "Good day." "Augh, then," cried the Corporal, hobbling breathlessly after him, "if so be as I shan't see your honour agin, at which I am extramely consarned, will your honour recollect your promise, touching the 'tato ground? The steward, Master Bailey, 'od rot him, has clean forgot it augh!"

"Well, I dare say it is," returned the father; "don't we say of a game man, such a fellow has good stuff in him? but, setting that aside, do look at the paragraph about that attack! My friend Swiggerly has done me full justice. Upon my word, it is extramely gratifying, and especially in such critical times as these, read it for Kate there, will you?" "What is it, papa?"

"No, Bunting, I fear not," said Walter, spurring through the gates of the yard; "Good day." "Augh, then," cried the Corporal, hobbling breathlessly after him, "if so be as I shan't see your honour agin, at which I am extramely consarned, will your honour recollect your promise, touching the 'tato ground? The steward, Master Bailey, 'od rot him, has clean forgot it augh!"

O'Brien; "do you dar to mintion them in the same day together?" "Why not," said the miser; "ay, an' on the same night, too?" "Upon my reputaytion, Mr. O'Donovan, you're extramely kind now be a little more so, and let us undherstand you," said the Bodagh. "Poor Una!" thought John, "all's lost; he will get himself kicked out to a certainty."