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But, merry and cheerful as he seemed to be, his behaviour changed at times in a most extraordinary manner; for he would often go about the streets at night and knock at people's doors; and when they opened to him, he would be standing there in white grave clothes, raising a terrible crying and howling, at which they were fearfully frightened; but he would apologize the following day, saying that he was compelled to do this to remind the citizens and himself of the perishableness of the body, and the imperishableness of the soul, to which their minds ought always to be carefully directed.

Pardon me, a cross between a Stoic and a Puritan: morally, I mean. Tomes. Don't apologize. You might say many worse things of me, and few better. But telling me what I am does not disprove what I say. Grey.

'I will not order, said Solomon Barzinsky excitedly. 'I did not come here to be insulted. 'Insulted! quoth Straumann. 'It's you that must apologize, you illiterate icthyosaurus! I appeal to the President. 'You have both insulted me, was that worthy's ruling. 'I give the word to Mr. Mendel. 'But from both the combatants simultaneously. 'Order, order! from a dozen throats.

The stranger could not be anxious on my account; and Wallace's dejection and weakness may apologize for his not soliciting my company, or expressing his fears for my safety. He was no sooner seated, than the traveller hurried away. I gazed after them, motionless and mute, till the carriage, turning a corner, passed beyond my sight.

Before I had well thought how to apologize for the cool insouciance of my intrusion, the door opened, and a tall, well built man entered; his shooting jacket and gaiters were evidence of his English origin, while a bushy moustache and most ample "Henri quatre" nearly concealed features, that still were not quite unknown to me; he stopped, looked steadily at me, placed a hand on either shoulder, and calling out, "Harry Harry Lorrequer, by all that's glorious!" rushed from the room in a transport of laughter.

"My God!" he cried later, when summoned by an angry Andrew to explain his impolite hilarity. "You're the funniest thing on the earth. Why hide the light of your frame under a bushel of clothing? My dear boy, I'm talking sense" this was at a hitherto unfriendly breakfast-table "You've got an extraordinary physique. If I laughed, like a rude beast, for which I apologize, the public would laugh.

"Perhaps he knows there's not much difference between a woman and a mule, in that respect," she proffered. "You need not apologize for him." "I apologize for myself," I blurted. "I see I'm a little slow for this country." "You?" She soberly surveyed me as I ploughed through the dust, at her knees. "I think you'll catch up.

Fraser, for there are few things so catching as anxiety, except enthusiasm; he, too, had risen, and was standing in an attitude of expectancy. "Lady Bellamy to see yer," said Mrs. Jakes, pushing her head through the half-opened door. Next second she had entered. "I must apologize for disturbing you at dinner, Angela," she began hurriedly, and then stopped and also stood still.

We'll leave this matter for another time. Rosamund held him by the arm. 'Not too long! Both of them applied privately to Mrs. Wardour-Devereux for her opinion and counsel on the subject of the proposal to apologize to Dr. Shrapnel. She was against it with the earl, and became Rosamund's echo when with her.

I must also apologize for any inaccuracy in dates of which I may be guilty, though I remember collectively, so to speak, all that occurred during the unhappy twenty days which ensued between the occupation of Paris and the departure of his Majesty for the Island of Elba; for I was so completely absorbed in the unhappy condition of my good master that all my faculties hardly sufficed for the sensations I experienced every moment.