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The war-ships were open to receive the fugitives, and the gentlemen who had made merry over Fangalii were seen to thrust each other from the wharves in their eagerness to flee Apia. I willingly drop the curtain on the shameful picture. Meanwhile, on the German side of the bay, a more manly spirit was exhibited in circumstances of alarming weakness.

It was not known to any one in Apia exactly who it was that Kilby and the natives had tracked from Alo's hut." He drew his hand across his forehead dazedly. "Oh, yes I remember!" he said. "I wish I had faced the matter there and then. It would have been better." "I doubt that," she replied. "The natives who saw you coming from Alo's hut did not know you.

Why else did Faalelei and the young men go last month to Apia to be numbered for Mataafa, the whites promising that he who had most voices should be king? Jack sighed as he took the flag and went out with it. He realized that his old life was at an end, and that a new one, full of uncertainty and danger, was to date from the time he hoisted this bit of bunting.

News of the affair reached Apia early, and Moors, always curious of these spectacles of war, was immediately in the saddle. Near Matafangatele he met a Manono chief, whom he asked if there were any German dead. "I think there are about thirty of them knocked over," said he. "Have you taken their heads?" asked Moors. "Yes," said the chief. "Some foolish people did it, but I have stopped them.

By the second week in March three American ships were in Apia bay, the Nipsic, the Vandalia, and the Trenton, carrying the flag of Rear- Admiral Kimberley; three German, the Adler, the Eber, and the Olga; and one British, the Calliope, Captain Kane. Six merchant- men, ranging from twenty-five up to five hundred tons, and a number of small craft, further encumbered the anchorage.

Stevenson and her daughter were driving along the beach at Apia, when they were surprised to see a strange craft in the bay a curious little sloop that they knew had not been seen nor heard of before in those waters. On inquiry they found it was the famous Spray, in which Captain Joshua Slocum, of Boston, sailed alone around the world.

"Perhaps his decision made the scoundrelly Almanza imagine that he suspected him, and was only touching at Apia to rid himself of his second officer and his Greek and Chileno accomplices, for Mrs.

On the 23d of the month, this force, which was augmented by the French cruiser Montcalm and the Australian battleships Australia and Melbourne, sailed first for the Fiji Islands and then to Apia on Upolu Island off Samoa. They reached there on the 30th. There was, of course, no force on the island to withstand that of the enemy, and arrangements for surrender of the place were made by signal.

Carlsen, send the boats ashore after it. Also, keep your eye on Pankburn. If he shows signs of keeling over or going into the shakes, give him a nip a small one. He may need it after last night." For the rest of the time the Kittiwake lay in Apia Aloysius Pankburn pounded chain rust. Ten hours a day he pounded. And on the long stretch across to the Gilberts he still pounded.

How curiously things come about in the world! For nautical reasons that were explained to me, but which I will not trouble to set down, if indeed I could remember them, I believe that if we had returned to Apia we should have missed the great gale and subsequent cyclone, and with these much else. But it was not so fated.