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The seeds of Cactuses may be sown at anytime in the year; but it is best to sow in spring, as, after germinating, the young plants have the summer before them in which to attain sufficient strength to enable them to pass through the winter without suffering; whereas plants raised from autumn-sown seeds have often a poor chance of surviving through the winter, unless treated with great care.

Major Lewis was a member of the presidential household, and other intimates Van Buren, Kendall, Blair, Hill dropped in at anytime, "before breakfast, or in the evening, as inclination prompted." The President was always accessible to callers, whether or not their business was important.

"If I was a burnin' peacock, with two hundred bloodshot eyes in my shinin' tail, I'd need 'em all on this job!" said Hinch. "Don't talk! Steer! This ain't the North Atlantic," Pyecroft replied. "Blast my stokers! Why, the steam's dropped fifty pounds!" Hinchcliffe cried. "Fire's blown out," said the engineer. "Stop her!" "Does she do that often?" said Hinch, descending. "Sometimes." "Anytime?"

"North Yarmouth is close," Oliver said. "Speaking of which are you coming to the housewarming?" "Saturday, right?" "Yeah middle of the day, anytime. Bring a friend." "Friend? You think you got problems? Later, man." Mark rushed off. Suffer? Was it the male condition? I guess women suffer, too, Oliver thought. The human condition, then? He resisted this. Why should we suffer?

You and I know that if the playing field is level, America's workers and farmers can outwork and outproduce anyone, anytime, anywhere. And with the Mexican free trade agreement and our Enterprise for the Americas Initiative we can help our partners strengthen their economies and move toward a free trade zone throughout this entire hemisphere.

If we remain one people, under an efficient government, the period is not far off when we may defy material injury from external annoyance; when we may take such an attitude as will cause the neutrality we may at anytime resolve upon to be scrupulously respected; when belligerent nations, under the impossibility of making acquisitions upon us, will not lightly hazard the giving us provocation when we may choose peace or war, as our interest, guided by justice, shall counsel.

With a regular dip and rise we were approaching to within a few feet of the rocky floor and moving back up again. Also we were floating faster than at anytime previous. The bottom was bare again; we had left the crowding, ominous mounds. I waved to the Professor. He snapped his notebook shut and stared at the uneasy ocean bottom. "I've been hoping I was wrong," he said simply.

It is here that I began to stay, with the watchman as company for the night. Anna installed a small T.V. in the room and also had a phone extension made to my room. He told me that I was welcome to come over to his place anytime, to eat or even to stay. However, I preferred being at the park. In addition to Anna and Shirke there were about 8 to 10 staff at the park.

"Let us put the clock on half an hour," said the Story Girl. "The clock in the hall isn't going, so no one will know the difference." We all looked at each other. "I wouldn't dare," said Felicity irresolutely. "Oh, if that's all, I'll do it," said the Story Girl. When ten o'clock struck Aunt Janet came into the kitchen, remarking innocently that it hadn't seemed anytime since nine.

Tea time was occupied in the discussion of family matters and his aunt related bits of private history that kept his attention well occupied until eight o'clock, at which time Miss Elizabeth usually retired for the night. Jem was tired too, and was soon up-stairs and fast asleep. It seemed hardly anytime at all ere Jem was in the barn again ready to begin work on the fence.