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Updated: August 7, 2024

"Now, massa," continued the negro, turning to the fine, sailor-like man who had spoken to Foster a few minutes before, "here's a nice-lookin' man. Strong an' healfy fit for anyt'ing no doubt." "Ask him if he understands gardening," said the Moor. We may remark, in passing, that Peter the Great and his owner had a peculiar mode of carrying on conversation.

"Aw, dat's all right, Slimmy!" Larry the Bat cut in airily. "If youse ferget anyt'ing when youse get in dere, youse can ask me. I got it cinched!" The Magpie folded the paper and stowed it carefully away in his pocket. "Ask youse, eh!" he grunted sarcastically. "An' where do youse t'ink youse'll be about dat time?" "In dere wid youse, of course," replied Larry the Bat promptly.

The latter dragged away up the stair with a countenance in which grief and joy struggled for the mastery. "Anyt'ing else, monsieur?" asked the Frenchman, coming back. "No, I don't think of anything just at this moment. But you do your part and I'll do mine. Now suppose you go out and get the notary, while I work my brain a bit."

"Well, I'm not going to let you do that any more." "I don' hurt nobody," he protested. "I sing plenty song an' fight li'l bit. A man mus' got some fun." "Won't you promise for my sake?" 'Poleon gave in after some hesitation; reluctantly he agreed. "Eh bien! Mos' anyt'ing I promise for you, ma soeur. But she's goin' be mighty poor trip for me. S'pose mebbe I forget dose promise?"

"Will they come with us?" I asked, with wondering delight. "Dey will do anyt'ing for Uncle Moses," he replied. "Then let us get away into the forest again as soon as we can, and take them with us. How far is the swamp now?" "'Bout a mile, Massa." "Come, then; we may have time to get to it before the men can overtake us. They cannot get their horses over the tree."

Ay never sviped anyt'ing before!" pleaded Olaf, as he cringed along toward the castle, every other moment looking around nervously behind him at Holmes's revolver. "Except that you tried to steal Linescu's boots, according to his testimony," returned Holmes dryly just as we entered the rear door of the castle, and proceeded along the corridor toward the library. "But don't be afraid.

If you ever has anyt'ing ye wants done, jes' come ter me, an' I'll do it if I kin, an' I won't charge yer nottin'." "Thank you," smiled Frank; "but I do not fancy I shall have anything in your line. While we are talking, though, let me give you some advice. Turn over a new leaf and try to be on the level. You will find it the best policy in the long run."

"I'd oughter made it twenty," grumbled the pugilist. "Dis business is outer my line entirely, an' I don't want ter be mixed up in it at all see? I has a repertation ter sustain, an' it wouldn't do fer nobody ter know I ever hed anyt'ing ter do wid such a job as dis." "There is no danger that anybody will ever know it," declared Ditson, impatiently. "I will not say anything about it."

When he came back with a policeman, Patsy and the Cuban were preparing to depart together. Patsy was delivering his last oration "I'll fight yer wid swords! Sure I will! Come ahead, Dago! I'll fight yeh anywheres wid anyt'ing! We'll have a large, juicy scrap, an' don't yeh forgit dat! I'm right wid yez. I ain't no muff!

We gathered up the broken glass of the gas drippings bottle, and I opened the door. "It's all right, now," said Craig, sauntering out before the bar. "Only de next time you has anyt'ing de matter call de company up. I ain't supposed to do dis wit'out orders, see?"

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