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Updated: August 6, 2024

'They're alvays a-doin' some gammon of that sort, Sammy, replied his father. 'T'other Sunday I wos walkin' up the road, wen who should I see, a-standin' at a chapel door, with a blue soup-plate in her hand, but your mother-in-law!

Yet because the man had shown her a little timid kindness, she faithfully bore his name, and through storms of jeering laughter, clear to the dismal end, she called herself Semantha Waacker. Once we spoke of it, and she exclaimed in her excited way: "Yes, I am alvays Waacker. Why not, ven he is so goot? Why, why, dat man, dat vater Waacker, he have kissed me two time already.

'O' course not, said Sam, 'and nobody never did, nor never vill neither; and here am I a-walkin' about like the wandering Jew a sportin' character you have perhaps heerd on Mary, my dear, as vos alvays doin' a match agin' time, and never vent to sleep looking arter this here Miss Arabella Allen. 'Miss who? said Mary, in great astonishment. 'Miss Arabella Allen, said Sam.

Oh, yes! Alvays varm by the fire, so they shall be good and fine for the day." "That's why you left the Indian there when we came away, eh? To keep a fire." "Shoor! and I thought I shall kill you and go back alone so nobody shall make for the rescue. Then I should have the great laugh." Captain bared his head to the cold outside the tent. He was dazed by the thought of it.

"Ay," responded Farmer Donaldson, "that was the strangest thing as ever happened in these parts. I wonder if it will ever be cleared up." "You know my opinion apout that," resumed the host, "I alvays said he vould turn up. But it is let me see yes, it is more that fife years ago. It wass on the night of the sefenteenth of Chooly, 1854; and here it is, the mittle of Aucust, 1859.

'If I wos master o' this here house, I should alvays find the materials for comfort vere Mary wos. 'Lor, Mr. Weller! said Mary blushing. 'Well, I never! ejaculated the cook. 'Bless me, cook, I forgot you, said Mr. Muzzle. 'Mr. Weller, let me introduce you. 'How are you, ma'am? said Mr.

"Wy," says the little creetur, "whoever found me, 'ud bring me home, for I've got my card in my pocket, Bill," he says, "No. 20, Coffee-room Flight": and that wos true, sure enough, for wen he wanted to make the acquaintance of any new-comer, he used to pull out a little limp card vith them words on it and nothin' else; in consideration of vich, he vos alvays called Number Tventy.

"Waal," chuckled the Vermonter, "if you want to express your tongue, send it to the Adams Express Company." "Maype I think dot vos a coot choke!" sneered Hans. "You alvays vos so funny, Ephie, dot you caused me puckets uf tears to veep." Frank presented Juanita and Mrs. Morton, and when it was all over Hans sank on a chair, quite overcome.

His whole delight wos in his trade. He spent all his money in bears, and run in debt for 'em besides, and there they wos a growling avay down in the front cellar all day long, and ineffectooally gnashing their teeth, vile the grease o' their relations and friends wos being re-tailed in gallipots in the shop above, and the first-floor winder wos ornamented vith their heads; not to speak o' the dreadful aggrawation it must have been to 'em to see a man alvays a walkin' up and down the pavement outside, vith the portrait of a bear in his last agonies, and underneath in large letters, "Another fine animal wos slaughtered yesterday at Jinkinson's!"

"An' I tell ye, Hans, the captain's going to plase himself intoirely. Sure he wouldn't turn his back on my door to plase a new man like you " "Yes," added Hans, "you was no good, Deasy; you was alvays tarn shellous "

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