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North, aye, North, through a land accurst, shunned by the scouring brutes, And all I heard was my own harsh word and the whine of the malamutes, Till at last I came to a cabin squat, built in the side of a hill, And I burst in the door, and there on the floor, frozen to death, lay Bill. * * From "Ballads of a Cheechako."

One particularly sultry afternoon, when the whole world seemed like the steam room of a Turkish bath, their voices rose to an unprecedented pitch of violence. Through the thin panels of the door came the sound of scuffling feet. Some heavy article of furniture went over with a crash. Then came the thud of a falling body. "Thou accurst one!" I heard the tenor groan. Then "Help me!... I'm dying!"

The cross was to shine on palaces and churches throughout the earth. It was to be assumed as the distinction of the most powerful monarchs, and to wave in the banner of victorious armies when the memory of Herod and Pilate should be accurst, when Jerusalem should be reduced to ashes, and the Jews be vagabonds over all the world. These were the triumphs which commenced at this hour.

ADAM. May your tongue be accurst for such blasphemy! EVE. Keep a guard on your own tongue; and do not curse my son. It was Lilith who did wrong when she shared the labor of creation so unequally between man and wife.

'Something! echoed Mullins. 'What of Cecco? demanded Noodler. 'He's as dead as Jukes, said Hook shortly. His reluctance to return to the cabin impressed them all unfavourably, and the mutinous sounds again broke forth. All pirates are superstitious; and Cookson cried, 'They do say the surest sign a ship's accurst is when there's one on board more than can be accounted for.

Weary with toiling I was like to swoon. When God let fall milk-porridge 'stead of rain! And I, poor donkey, hadn't brought a spoon! Yes, Heaven had meant to help me, me accurst! I saw my luck but couldn't by it profit! Quickly my brother made a banquet of it Ate my milk-porridge till he nearly burst! "Want bears the sceptre here on earth below, And life is always grievous to the poor.

"It means," answered Julius, covering his face with his hands, "that I am of all living things the most accurst!" Then with a cry of horror and anguish he fled from the room and down the stairs. Lady Lefevre followed him in a flutter of fear. Presently she returned, and said, in answer to a look from her son, "He snatched his hat and coat, and was gone before I came up with him."

I explained this to my father, but he was not satisfied, for he regretted the time I had lost." Benvenuto Cellini has told us how his father, in like fashion, was eager that he should practise the "accurst art" of music. Dürer's father, however, soon gave in and in 1486 apprenticed the boy to Michael Wolgemut. So "it was arranged that I should serve him for three years.

But as soon as the Thracian monarch heard of the fall of Troy he treacherously slew the young prince and seized all his father's treasure. False to divine and human laws, The traitor joins the conqueror's cause, Lays impious hands on Polydore, And grasps by force the golden store. Fell lust of gold! abhorred, accurst! What will not men to slake such thirst?

Then the butchers saw that they must meet craft with craft; and they said to him, "Come, brother butcher, if you would sell meat with us, you must e'en join our guild and stand by the rules of our trade." "We dine at the Sheriff's mansion to-day," said another, "and you must take one of our party." "Accurst of his heart," said jolly Robin, "That a butcher will deny.