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As for the first, let me but see five hundred Romans sworn to stand armed day and night for the defence of Rome, and I dismiss the Northmen." Cecco del Vecchio was unsoftened; honest, but uneducated impracticable, and by nature a malcontent, he felt as if he were no longer necessary to the Senator, and this offended his pride.

'Something! echoed Mullins. 'What of Cecco? demanded Noodler. 'He's as dead as Jukes, said Hook shortly. His reluctance to return to the cabin impressed them all unfavourably, and the mutinous sounds again broke forth. All pirates are superstitious; and Cookson cried, 'They do say the surest sign a ship's accurst is when there's one on board more than can be accounted for.

The precision required in this trade forced artists to study the modelling of the human form, and promoted that crude naturalism which has been charged against their pictures. Carefully to observe, minutely to imitate some actual person the Sandro of your workshop or the Cecco from the marketplace became the pride of painters.

So you think they love me not quite so well as they did some three weeks back?" "I say not so," answered Cecco. "But we Romans are an impatient people." "Alas, yes!" "However, they will no doubt stick close enough to you; provided, Tribune, you don't put any new tax upon them." "Ha!

Cecco, Cecco!" cried the little girl, pausing as she beat her tambourine, "here's a stranger who has no grapes; bring them here!" "But," said Lucy, "aren't they your mamma's grapes; may you give them away?" "Ah, ah! 'tis the vendemmia! all may eat grapes; as much as they will. See, there's the vineyard."

Here, a little in advance, ever and again with his head to the ground listening, his great arms bare, pieces of eight in his ears as ornaments, is the handsome Italian Cecco, who cut his name in letters of blood on the back of the governor of the prison at Gao.

Then was heard a crowing sound which was well understood by the boys, but to the pirates was almost more eerie than the screech. 'What was that? cried Hook. 'Two, said Slightly solemnly. The Italian Cecco hesitated for a moment and then swung into the cabin. He tottered out, haggard. 'What's the matter with Bill Jukes, you dog? hissed Hook, towering over him.

Ere yet the Tribune had well recovered himself, a slight tap at the door was heard, and the sound seemed at once to recall his self-possession. "Enter," he said, lifting his face, to which the wonted colour slowly returned. An officer, half-opening the door, announced that the person he had sent for waited his leisure. "I come! Here he found Cecco del Vecchio.

How very, very strange! And how very tiresome! It's made you look so tired. And before she would hear a word more Lucy had put the elder woman into her chair in the deep shade of the loggia, had brought coffee and bread and fruit from the little table she herself had helped Cecco to arrange, and had hovered round till Eleanor had taken at least a cup of coffee and a fraction of roll.

"Senator!" said a stalwart but grey-haired giant with folded arms; "I like not a title that has been borne by a patrician. I fear me, in the new title he will forget the old." "Fie, Cecco del Vecchio, you were always a grumbler!" said a merchant of cloth, whose commodity the ceremonial had put in great request. "Fie! for my part, I think Senator a less new-fangled title than Tribune.