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He ain't fightin' two-handed any more. He knows it; I know it; The referee knows it; but nobody else. He goes on a-moving that left of his like it's all right. But it ain't. It's hurtin' him like a knife dug into him. He don't dast strike a real blow with that left of his. But it hurts, anyway.

Weak lungs and all, but she's a right new brand." "Hell!" ejaculated Teale, springing to his feet. "If the government has got so low that it has to trifle with ladies it's in a bad way. I reckon I better git a-moving. Any mail, Tod? I take it right friendly that you give me this hint. A lady may be hard to handle in some ways, but we-all can at least know where she is that's something."

"That's it guv'nor," muttered Spurge, nudging Copplestone. "That's the ticket! Struck down from behind that's what happened to him. Unawares, so to speak, I can reckon of it up easy. They comes in the darkness after I'd left him here. He hears of 'em, as he says, a-moving about. Then he no doubt starts moving about watching 'em, as far as he can see.

"I'm always a-moving on, sir," cries the boy, wiping away his grimy tears with his arm. "Where can I possibly move to more nor I do?" "Don't you come none of that, or I shall make blessed short work of you," says the constable, giving him a passionless shake. "My instructions are that you are to move on." "But where?" cries the boy. "Well, really, constable, you know," says Mr.

"Just you get up on the box," said Diamond, "and I'll show you. There, that van's a-moving now. Jump up." The policeman did as Diamond told him, and was soon satisfied that the little fellow could drive. "Well," he said, as he got down again, "I don't know as I should be right to interfere. Good luck to you, my little man!" "Thank you, sir," said Diamond, and drove away.

"Must have cost a sight of money. Rum articles to cut away from, these; she must have been hard put to it!" Opening and shutting table-drawers and looking into caskets and jewel-cases, he sees the reflection of himself in various mirrors, and moralizes thereon. "One might suppose I was a-moving in the fashionable circles and getting myself up for almac's," says Mr. Bucket.

Second, That it is a moving of the mind towards him, from a sound sense of the absolute want that a man hath of him for his justification and salvation. This is evident; because coming hither or thither, if it be voluntary, is by an act of the mind or will; so coming to Christ is through the inclining of the will. This willingness of heart is it which sets the mind a-moving after or towards him.

Whereat we all began likewise to listen, but I, for one, heard nothing till Yeates said: "A hoss; a-taking the back track like old Jehu the son of Nimshi was a-giving him the whip and spur," and then we all marked the distant drumming of hoofbeats. The old borderer sprang afoot, kicked the fire into the stream, and caught up his rifle. "Let's be a-moving," he said.

"I've always been a-moving and a-moving on, ever since I was born. Where can I possibly move to, sir, more nor I do move!" "He won't move on," says the constable calmly, with a slight professional hitch of his neck involving its better settlement in his stiff stock, "although he has been repeatedly cautioned, and therefore I am obliged to take him into custody.

There must be no vagrants, not even in the forest, the once free and merry greenwood, our policeman-civilization says; nay, the forest, even, must keep a-moving!