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Updated: August 24, 2024

'Some of the host have crossed the flood, and some are crossin' now, thinks I a-lookin' way off in a almost rapped way. And then I sez to Deacon Garven in a low soft voice, lower and more softer fur, than I had used to him, "Don't I know what it is to stand a-leanin' over the front gate on a still spring mornin', the smell of the lilacs in the air, and the brier roses.

Abram he grabbed my dress and says, 'Steady, Jane! jest like he was talkin' to the old mare. The thing that made me maddest was Silas Petty a-leanin' back in his pew and smilin' as satisfied as if he'd seen the salvation of the Lord. I didn't mind the Babtists half as much as I did Silas. "The only person in the church that wasn't the least bit flustered was Miss Penelope.

Don't you know, he goes on to Texas, 'my perishin' friend, you are bein' swept downward in the river of your own sinful life till your soul will be drowned in the abyss?" "'Well, no, says Texas, 'I don't. I allows I'm makin' a mighty dry ford of it. "'Lost! lost! lost! says the black-coat gent, a-leanin' back like he's plumb dejected that a-way an' hopeless.

Speak up, James Dutton you was a-leanin' over your front gate as Gaffer come drivin' 'ome, wasn't you, an' you see Gaffer plain as plain, didn't you?" "W'ich, me wishin' no offense, an' no one objectin' I did," began the Apology, perspiring profusely as usual, "but I takes the liberty to say as it were a spade, an' not a gate leastways "

"I go brang Mees Jan's apron; da goat eat it oop." "Ye did, did ye! What ye givin' us? Didn't I see ye a-chinnin' 'er whin I come over de hill she a-leanin' up ag'in' de fence, an' youse a-talkin' ter 'er, an' ole Blowhard cryin' like his heart was broke?" "Eat up what apron?" said Tom, thoroughly mystified over the situation. "Stumpy eat da apron I brang back da half ta Mees Jan."

Thar's nothin' much to engage Steve's faculties, an' he's a-settin' on his bronco, an' both is mighty near asleep. Some women people from the far East, I reckons as is camped in town, comes over on the bridge to see us cross the herd. They've lined out clost up to Steve, a-leanin' of their young Eastern chins on the top rail.

Children a-lookin' out for pleasure mebby; older ones a-lookin' for Happiness and Ambition like as not, the aged ones a-leanin' their tired arms on the hard stun, while the settin' sun lit up their white locks, and a-lookin' for rest. The cliffs are a good many colors, and each a good-lookin' one.

"Yes," sez my Josiah, a-leanin' up aginst the meetin' house door, and talkin' pretty loud, for Sister Peedick and me had gone to liftin' round the big bench by the door, and it wuz fearful heavy, and our minds wuz excersised as to the best place to put it while we wuz a-cleanin' the floor.

"Yes," sez my Josiah, a-leanin' up aginst the meetin' house door, and talkin' pretty loud, for Sister Peedick and me had gone to liftin' round the big bench by the door, and it wuz fearful heavy, and our minds wuz excersised as to the best place to put it while we wuz a-cleanin' the floor.

"She jes' tuk him an' drug him plumb ter the bars, though I don't see how she done it, slim leetle critter ez she be; an' thar she holped him git on his beastis; an' then I declar' I feel ez ef I could kill her fur a-demeanin' of herself so she led that thar horse, him a-ridin' an' a-leanin' on the neck o' the beastis, two mile up the mountain, through the night." "Waal, let her bide thar.

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