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Says Mrs Harris, with a woman's and a mother's art a-beatin in her human breast, she says to me, "You're not a-goin, Sairey, Lord forgive you!" "Why am I not a-goin, Mrs Harris?" I replies. "Mrs Gill," I says, "wos never wrong with six; and is it likely, ma'am I ast you as a mother that she will begin to be unreg'lar now?

Johnnie Cope, are ye waukin' yet? Or are your drums a-beatin' yet? Now, with a slight variation on the words the measure ran Hey! Jamie Forrest, are ye waukin' yet? Or are your bailies snorin' yet? Then, after proceeding to run over the temptations which might he supposed to have overmastered the party, the writer dwelt with emphasis on a favourite breakfast dish in Scotland

"An' I be very old an' tired, Peter; my 'eart be all wore out wi' beatin' an' beatin' all these years 'tis a wonder as it didn't stop afore now but a a stapil, Peter, don't 'ave no 'eart to go a-beatin' an' a-wearin' of itself away?" "No, Ancient." "So 'ere be I, a-standin' in the Valley o' the Shadow, an' waitin' for God's Angel to take my 'and for to show me the way.

They couldn't kerry him no furder, an' sot him deown; an' there wuz all the trees a-wavin' overhead ag'in, an' all the sweet scents a-beatin' abeout the air, jest uz it wuz a year ago w'en he parted from me so strong an' whole an' harnsome; all the fleowers wuz a-blossomin', all the winds wuz blowin' an' this lump uv torn flesh an' broken bones wuz 'Miah.

"You good-for-nothing scoundrel," growled Bud, "you're a coward and a thief to be a-beatin' a little creetur like him!" and with that Bud walked up on Jones, who prudently changed position in such a way as to get the upper side of the hill. "Well, I'll gin you the upper side, but come on," cried Bud, "ef you a'n't afeared to fight somebody besides a poor little sickly baby or a crippled soldier.

He listened, smiling evilly, as I could see by the starlight; and when I had done he began to whistle a Jacobite air. It was the air made in mockery of General Cope's defeat at Prestonpans: "Hey, Johnnie Cope, are ye waukin' yet? And are your drums a-beatin' yet?" And it came in my mind that Alan, on the day of that battle, had been engaged upon the royal side. "Why do ye take that air, Mr.

The graand is so hard too, and I'm as sore as if some one had been a-beatin' me with a big stick." "Ere mitey, you just 'ave my blanket. I don't want it. And let me mike my old overcoat into a bit of a pillow for yer." "You are bloomin' kind, Bill, and I don't like " "Oh, stow it, it's nothink. Anything you'd like, mitey?" "No, that is " "Come, out with it you . Wot is it?

Tom, an' I could trusten to you for droppin' down wi' your stick in the nick o' time at a runnin' rat, or a stoat, or that, when I war a-beatin' the bushes." Bob had drawn out a dirty canvas bag, and would perhaps not have paused just then if Maggie had not entered the room and darted a look of surprise and curiosity at him, whereupon he pulled his red locks again with due respect.

Your cheeks are so red, and eyes so black, and arms so round and fat I've seen 'em when you was over here a-beatin' up good things for the old man that you make me think of red and pink posies. I kinder think you might be a little bit of a sinner just enough, you know, to make you understand how I and him there can be mighty big ones, and not be too hard on us for it." "Mr.

He had no chance to speak before Teola, too, with streaming hair, her nightrobe clutched convulsively in one hand, opened the hall door. The scene whirled before her like a frightful nightmare. The fisher-girl turned and faced her. "Yer Pappy air a-beatin' me ... I hev a-been stealin' milk." Her words fell between little, broken gasps. They touched Frederick as he never had been touched before.