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"You are so very lenient," Lady Chetwynd Lyle was saying, as she bent over her needlework. "So very lenient, my dear Lady Fulkeward, that I am afraid you do not read people's characters as correctly as I do. I have had, owing to my husband's position in journalism, a great deal of social experience, and I assure you I do NOT think the Princess Ziska a safe person.

No; Anton would make no such bargain as that! Anton loved her better than any title-deeds. Had he not told her that she was his sun the sun that gave to him light and heat? "If they are his own, why should he be asked to make any such bargain?" said Nina. "Nina," said Ziska, throwing all his passion into his voice, as he best knew how, "it cannot be that you should love this man."

He remained for a moment inert; then, with an almost savage boldness, threw his arm about her. "Have everything your own way, Ziska!" he said in quick, fierce accents. "I will accept all your fancies, and humor all your caprices. I will grant that you do not love me I will even suppose that I am repellent to you, but that shall make no difference to my desire!

The passionate tremor that shakes the bird's throat at mating-time seemed to shake the unseen instruments that now discoursed strange melody, and Gervase, listening dreamily, felt a curious contraction and aching at his heart and a sense of suffocation in his throat, combined with an insatiate desire to seize in his arms the mysterious Ziska, with her dark fathomless eyes and slight, yet voluptuous, form, to drag her to his breast and crush her there, whispering: "Mine! mine!

Our present-day roues, you know, prefer their victims young, and I fancy the Princess Ziska would be too old and perhaps too clever for most of them. Personally speaking, she does not impress me as being of any particular age, but as she is not married, and is, so to speak, a maid fully developed, I am perforce obliged to call her an old maid."

Never, never, never would she forgive him! Never again would she sit on his knee caressing him. Never again would she even speak to him. Nothing would she take from his hand, or from the hands of his friends! Nor would she ever stoop to take aught from her aunt, or from Ziska. They had triumphed over her. She knew not how.

"Goodness as the world understands goodness never makes a career for itself worth anything. Even Christ, who has figured as a symbol of goodness for eighteen hundred years, was not devoid of the sin of ambition: He wanted to reign over all Judaea." "You view Him in that light?" inquired Ziska with a keen look. "And as man only?" "Why, of course!

The little Doctor rubbed his nose impatiently and seemed sorry he had spoken. "I mean let me see! What do I mean?" he said at last meditatively "Oh, well, it is easy enough of explanation. There are plenty of people like the Princess Ziska to whom I would apply the words 'not human. She is all beauty and no heart.

Nearly a hundred years before, a king of Bohemia, with a large retinue, was present on the French side at the battle of Crécy, and Ziska himself fought at Agincourt.

Accordingly, while the Calixtines endeavoured to soothe and conciliate, the Taborites rushed to arms; and under Ziska, their renowned leader, achieved triumphs such as attend only on the exertions of men whose actuating principle is a strong religious fanaticism. The career of Ziska, his ferocity and his zeal, are well known.