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The young man started as from a dream. "I don't know what to think of it." "And you?" said the Doctor, addressing Ross Courtney. "I? Oh, I am of the same opinion as Fulkeward, I think it is a horrible thing. And the curious part of the matter is that it is like the Princess Ziska, and yet totally unlike. Upon my word, you know, it is a very unpleasant picture." Dr.

Queen Sophia, widow of Wenceslas, the late king, who had garrisoned all the royal castles, now sent a strong body of troops against the reformers. The army came up with the multitude, which was largely made up of women and children, on the open plain near Pilsen. The cavalry charged upon the seemingly helpless mob. But Ziska was equal to the occasion.

Ten minutes later the larger number of dancers in the ball-room came to a sudden pause in their gyrations and stood looking on in open-mouthed, reluctantly-admiring wonderment at the exquisite waltz movements of the Princess Ziska as she floated past them in the arms of Gervase, who, as a "Bedouin chief," was perhaps only acting his part aright when he held her to him with so passionate and close a grip and gazed down upon her fair face with such a burning ardor in his eyes.

I admit it I confess it!" "You are speaking of the Princess Ziska?" asked Helen, tremblingly. "Of whom else should I speak?" he responded, dreamily. "There is no one like her; probably there never was anyone like her, except, perhaps, Ziska-Charmazel!" As the name passed his lips, he sprang hastily up and stood amazed, as though some sudden voice had called him.

"'Maiden roses left to die Because they climb so near the sky, That not the boldest passer-by Can pluck them from their vantage high. And whether it is best to be a solitary 'maiden-rose' or a Princess Ziska, who shall say?

It was not what is called a "family likeness" which existed between them; it was the cast of countenance or "type" that exists between races or tribes, and had young Murray not known his friend Gervase to be a French Provencal and equally understood the Princess Ziska to be of Russian origin, he would have declared them both, natives of Egypt, of the purest caste and highest breeding.

These Adamites committed the maddest excesses, but found a stern enemy in Ziska, who put them down with an unsparing hand. In 1421 Sigismund again roused himself to activity, incensed by the Hussite defiance of his authority. He incited the Silesians to invade Bohemia, and an army of twenty thousand poured into the land, killing all before them, men, women, and children.

But under Ziska's orders they made a night attack on the foe, broke through their lines, and, to the emperor's discomfiture, were once more free. On New Year's day, 1422, the two armies came face to face near Zollin. Ziska drew up his men in battle array and confidently awaited the attack of the enemy.

So much she had learned from Ziska; and so much, at any rate, she was bound to make known to her lover. And, moreover, since she had seen him she had told all her relatives of her engagement. They all knew now that she loved the Jew, and that she had resolved to marry him; and of this also it was her duty to give him tidings.

Gervase answered nothing, for the Princess Ziska just then approached them. "Come into the Red Saloon," she said. "I am persuading my guests to pass on there. I have an old bas-relief on the walls which I would like you to see, you, especially, Dr. Dean! for you are so learned in antiquities. I hear you are trying to discover traces of Araxes?" "I am," replied the Doctor.