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The world seems what it is a grave! and love Casts down the bondage wound his eyes above, And sees! He sees but images of clay Where he dreamed gods; and sighs and glides away. The youngness of the beautiful grows old, And on thy lips the bride's sweet kiss seems cold; And in the crowd of joys upon thy throne Thou sittest in state, and hardenest into stone.

She scarcely knew that she caught at her hand. "I have never been in the state that Jane is," she poured forth. "And I can't understand how she can be such a fool, but but we care about each other more than most girls do perhaps because we have had no people. And it's the kind of thing there is no use talking against, it seems. It's killing the youngness in her.

"A mere trifle!" replied Russ, airily. "Get together there, and I'll snap you," he invited. "If you think that's old we'll go to the Fountain of Youth a little later, and renew our youngness." "Oh, is that really here?" cried Ruth, with such sudden interest that they all laughed. "Yes, my ancient sister, it is," said Alice. "Dost wish to quaff a cup?"

'He'll mend of his youngness with time, said Martha; 'and as for his smallness, I don't think you'd fancy carrying of him any more, however big he was. Besides he can walk a bit, bless his precious fat legs, a ducky!

One has felt as though it was of great importance that that a thing like that should be carried on." She began to speak in a half-numbed introspective way. "What does it matter really? Only one boy of thousands perhaps hundreds of thousands before it is over? But but it's the youngness the power the potential meaning wasted torn scattered in fragments."

He was as happy as was any mote in the sunshine about him; and the fluttering of his little hands, and feet too, was but as a token of so much felicity. He looked older, it is true, in the strong light. But these added years made only more notable his youngness of heart. An illustrious bibliophile among his books? A birthday child, rather, among his toys.

"And there was a fellow at college who said I bored him!" "Oh, dearest," Julia said, beginning to laugh at his rueful face, "and are those the worst things that ever happened to you?" "About," said Jim, enjoying the consolatory little kiss she gave him. "And your youngness baffles me," pursued Julia thoughtfully.

The odd thing about the Boy was that it was only with these Indian curs Nig in particular, who wasn't the Boy's dog at all only with these brute-beasts had he seemed to recover something of that buoyancy and ridiculous youngness that had first drawn the Colonel to him on the voyage up from 'Frisco.

And I make this note to myself that it is a great pleasure and interest to sit beside a nice young man with a cigarette in his mouth and one in my hand as if for smoking, which I do not like to do from its bitterness, and converse with him about matters of good sense without having in any way to use that coquetry which breaks into small sections the usual conversation between a man and a woman of enthusiastic youngness.

It was because of the world's madness, because of the human fear and weeping everywhere, because of the new abysses which seemed to yawn every day on every side, that both soul and senses were so abnormally overstrung. He was overwhelmed by exquisite compassions in his thoughts of Robin, he was afraid for her youngness, her sweetness, the innocent defencelessness which was like a child's.