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"That's good enough for me!" cried Raley. "Say it, Jud!" There was a distant thunder of hoofs as Haig's horse took the short bridge over the Brightwater. The crowd backed still farther away from Huntington, who was again fingering his roll of bills. "Two thousand!" he roared, shaking the handful of "yellowbacks" at the wavering Smith. Raley leaned from his saddle, and grabbed Smith's arm.

He would have willingly tossed the moke a nickel for his readiness to assist them; but truth to tell, even such small coin happened to be at a premium with the voyagers just then although they carried a small fortune in yellowbacks, not for worlds would they think of making use of a single bill for their own benefit it was a sacred trust in their eyes.

Tutt, tell me just exactly what Mr. Ellsworth rented, please," he requested. "Th' hull house," replied Billy, and then he somewhat sternly added: "Paid me spot cash fer it, too." Mr. Van Kamp took a wad of loose bills from his trousers pocket, straightened them out leisurely, and placed them in his bill book, along with some smooth yellowbacks of eye-bulging denominations.

"Can you still manage him yourself?" "I guess I could, but he ain't safe to take among traffic." Hicks stepped close to Kaboff, talking in rapid whispers. The little man turned white. "No, no; I'm too old for that kind of game," he said. Owen drew from his pocket a roll of yellowbacks the biggest roll Eddie Kaboff had seen since the days of "easy money."

The red glow from the ruby ring had vanished the man had risen from his seat and was placing something in the box on top of the ring Madison's mind subconsciously absorbed the fact that it was a little sheaf of yellow-backed bills. And now the man bent to the table and was writing in the book. Yellow-backs and rubies! Rubies and yellowbacks!

So now and then we saddles up and hits the breeze for Atascosa City for a few days of excitement and damage. Here's a little bunch of the /dinero/ that I drawed out of the bank this morning, says he, and shows a roll of twenties and fifties as big around as a sleeping-car pillow. The yellowbacks glowed like a sunset on the gable end of John D.'s barn.

By George, I felt good, to go there with two thousand dollars and come back with a big roll of yellowbacks; but before I went away he introduced me to a friend and told him how to show me the sights. "This friend was a broker, by the name of Buckbee, and believe me, he's on the inside. He took me around and showed me the Stock Exchange and put me wise to everything.

Robert knows he has been joshed into bettin' a hatful of yellowbacks that he can take old Injun killer out and bring back enough deer meat to feed the crowd and him knowin' no more about that sort of act than a one-legged man does about skatin'! They gives him two weeks to do it in. That wa'n't the worst of it, though, accordin' to him.

After he made his last deposit at the third bank, he went to lunch at Duyon's. Ate his head off, and paid from a thick wad of yellowbacks. Then he dropped in at Wiley's, and played roulette for a couple of hours played in luck, too. He drank quite a little, but it only seemed to heighten his good spirits, without fuddling him to any extent.

Nor was the fistful of currency in the other hand to be sneezed at. There were greenbacks, it is true; but there were also yellowbacks with the reddish gold of large denominations. The Sky Pilot sighed a sigh that was more than half gasp. "Can't yuh take a kid?" he inquired. "I knew youse all along.