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But anyway he wuz dretful polite to us, and let us through. And my land! if it wuzn't a sight to behold! Of all the big roomy places I ever see all filled with vehicles of all shapes and sizes and folks on foot and big high platforms, all filled with men and wimmen and children!

Her sleeves wuz so tight that they kep' her hands lookin' a kinder bloated and swelled all the time, and must have been dretful painful. And her waist it wuz drawed in so at the bottom, that to tell the livin' truth it wuzn't much bigger'n a pipe's tail. It beat all to see the size immegatly above and below, why it looked perfectly meraculous.

Sez she, "I spoze you mean politicians, and that's so, if they're deceived anyone can be." I wuz talkin' Bible but didn't explain, and walked onwards. If it wuzn't for the dretful noise," sez she, "it would seem like a grave. Don't you want to try it?" "No, mom," sez I, "I shan't git into any coffin' and grave till my time comes."

And though Jenette wuzn't the one to say anything, she begun to look kinder pale and mauger. And when I spoke of it to her, she laid it to her liver. And I let her believe I thought so too. And I even went so fur as to recommend tansey and camomile tea, with a little catnip mixed in I did it fur blinders. I knew it wuzn't her liver that ailed her. I knew it wuz her heart.

Josiah said they wuz afraid to land on Thousand Island Park for fear of bein' fined for travelin' on Sunday, but it wuzn't so, they didn't come because it wuz so sultry and kinder muggy. I'd hearn that the man who wuz goin' to preach wuz a dretful smart man, a Evangelist and Temperance Lecturer.

And at first there wuzn't nothin' particularly insperin' in the looks of the landscape, or ruther woodscape. It wuz mostly woods and rather hombly woods too, kinder flat lookin'. But pretty soon the scenery became beautiful and impressive.

"Yes'm!" faltered The Hopper, beginning to wonder if Mary and Humpy had been right in saying that he had lost his mind. He was so astonished that his arms wavered, but she was instantly on her feet and the little automatic was again on a level with his eyes. "Excuse me, miss, I didn't mean to drop 'em. I weren't goin' to do nothin'. Hones' I wuzn't!" he pleaded with real contrition.

And he snapped me up enough to take my head off, and said that he "couldn't always be calm and wuzn't goin' to try to be." "No," sez I reasonable, "you've got to be megum in that, or in eatin' bread and milk; of course, you could kill yourself on that, though it seems innocent and harmless; you can carry everything too fur."

The dulness had all gone out of her eyes, the colour beat back into her cheeks. She had forgotten Crittenton Madeira. "'I by my love for Salome' are you sure, Piney?" "I'm sure, Miss Sally. An' so I thought as wuzn't nobody else to tell you, I'd tell you. I d'n know as I done rat," the boy's face was all a-quiver, too, as he looked up at the girl on the misty heights of her passion.

Then I went into the front chamber where he lay. The day wuz breakin'; the cattle wuz lowin' outside; a beam of light come through the winder and fell on the Old Man's face, perhaps it wuz the summons for which he waited and which shall some time come to me 'nd you. Leastwise the Old Man roused from his sleep 'nd opened up his big blue eyes. It wuzn't me he wanted to see.