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'Gudeness! wha could hae thought the like o' that o' him? Na, if it had been for debt, or e'en for a bit tuilzie wi' the gauger, the deil o' Nelly Mac-Candlish's tongue should ever hae wranged him. But if he really shot young Hazlewood but I canna think it, Mr. Glossin; this will be some o' your skits now. I canna think it o' sae douce a lad; na, na, this is just some o' your auld skits.

He was all a-shake, bobbing up and down like a stopper in a soda-water bottle, and almost sobbing. "Ha' ye no wranged me enough wi' oo that? Ye lang-leggit liar, wi' yer skulkin murderin' tyke!" he cried. "Ye say it's Wullie. Where's yer proof?" and he snapped his fingers in the other's face. The Master was now as calm as his foe was passionate.

And whaur wad be the place to discuss sic a queston but afore a' meetin o' the church? Ca' ye that the public, sir? Wasna the church institute for the sake o' discipleen? Sic things are no to be ironed oot in a hole an' a corner, atween you and the deycons, sir. They belang to the haill body. We're a' wranged thegither, and the Holy Ghost, whase temple we sud be, is wranged forby.

I ken ye'll no see a poor lad wranged, if ye can help it." Morton shook his head. "For the meat and lodging, Cuddie, I think I can promise something; but the penny-fee will be a hard chapter, I doubt." "I'll tak my chance o't, stir," replied the candidate for service, "rather than gang down about Hamilton, or ony sic far country."

'And now, Minister, said the rescued one, after imbibing the goodly contents of his glass, 'what can I do for ye by way o' recompense for saving me the night? 'Did I hear ye confessin' that ye had wranged a lass by name Jeannie? asked the minister, seriously, by way of answer. 'Ay, ye did that, replied the penitent fervently, 'and I swore to right her.

"That would be nae ferlie, woman! Whan was it ever we kent onything gaein on i' that mysterious laddie! Na, but his had need be a guid conscience, for did ever onybody ken eneuch aboot it or him to say richt or wrang til 'im! But gien ye hae a thoucht he's ever wranged that lassie, I s' hae the trowth o' 't, gien it cost him a greitin!

'Gudeness! wha could hae thought the like o' that o' him? Na, if it had been for debt, or e'en for a bit tuilzie wi' the gauger, the deil o' Nelly Mac-Candlish's tongue should ever hae wranged him. But if he really shot young Hazlewood but I canna think it, Mr. Glossin; this will be some o' your skits now. I canna think it o' sae douce a lad; na, na, this is just some o' your auld skits.

"Attention!" shouted Dauvid till his class; an' Bandy Wobster wha was busy glowerin' at the drunkard's liver, an' windrin' what like his ain was, nae doot strak in, without kennin', wi' "Shoulder arms!" an' the laddies roared an' leuch till you wud actually thocht they wudda wranged themsel's.

Another, John Penry, a Welshman, was executed in 1593, and of him was written: "The Welshman is hanged Who at our kirke flanged And at her state banged, And brened are his buks. And though he be hanged Yet he is not wranged, The de'ul has him fanged In his kruked kluks." The still more objectionable plan of depositing coffins containing the dead in vaults under churches still lingers on.

To Him we maun flee the moment oor eyes are opent to what we've been aboot! But, gien we hae wranged ane o' oor fallow-craturs, wha are we to gang til wi' oor confession but that same fallow-cratur? It seems to me we maun gang to that man first even afore we gang to God himsel. Not one moment must we indulge procrastination on the plea o' prayin!