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The boat was full of drafts for the 29th Division Essex and Hampshire men, Inniskillings, Munsters, Royal and Lancashire Fusiliers, Worcesters and rumours of the intended Suvla expedition were in the air.

North of the Ypres-Menin road the German attack had not been seriously pressed, and it was from this direction that help came between 2 and 3 p.m., the hour which Sir John French once described as the most critical in the Ypres battle. The main instrument was the 2nd Worcesters, who fell upon the German advanced and exposed right, and retook Gheluvelt by a bayonet charge.

He had never himself seen any signs of strangeness or depression in Aubrey before the Easter of 1915, when they met in Paris, for the first time after the battle of Neuve Chapelle, in which Mannering had lost his dearest friend, one Freddy Vivian, of the Worcesters.

"Why are you laughing?" "Oh, it seems so funny for you to belong! None of our crowd do, you know, except you. We were furious when we heard you were coming. We couldn't see why the Worcesters let you people have the camp. But you'll spend all your time with us, won't you, Dolly? And" she seemed to remember Bessie suddenly "bring your friend along, sometimes."

Then the entire Twenty-third Brigade forced its way to the orchard northeast of the village, where it met the Twenty-fourth Brigade, which included the First Worcesters, Second East Lancashires, First Sherwood Foresters, and the Second Northamptons. The Twenty-fourth Brigade had fought its way through from the Neuve Chapelle-Armentières road.

"I hope their friends will please the Halsted Camp crowd better than we did," said Dolly, sarcastically. "The Worcesters ought to be very careful only to let people come here who are a little better socially than those girls. Then they'd probably be satisfied." "Now, don't hold a grudge against all those girls, Dolly," said Eleanor, smiling.

"The brave fellow certainly saved the position," writes one of the Middlesex men, "for if the Germans had got across that night I'm afraid there would have been very few of us left." Other daring incidents may be told briefly. One of the liveliest is that of seven men of the Worcesters, who were told they could "go for a stroll."

"Great God!" said one of the M. P.'s, and the other was silent, but pale. Certainly there was all the noise of a big attack. The Worcesters were standing-to on the fire-step, firing rifle grenades and throwing bombs with terrific energy.

A battalion of Worcesters, whom the Normans were relieving, painted a merry picture of the sodden sector. "Fritz ain't 'alf playin' 'ell wi' the front line. Washed out two blasted regiments in less than a week...." "No bloomm' trenches up there. Only shell 'oles an' hundreds of bodies. Ration parties can't get up wi' the grub...."

Next night was even worse; the 7th Worcesters came up to relieve us under shell-fire; most of the guides we sent down to them were either killed or buried and the relief was long and arduous.