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"The thing that's troublin' me is this matter of Stener and the city treasury. If somethin' ain't done about that, it may go hard with the party this fall, and with some of our contracts. You don't want to forget that an election is comin' along in November. I'm wonderin' if I ought to call in that one hundred thousand dollars.

They got their piece bread, thickly spread wi' gude, hame made jam. Then they were off again, scampering off toward the river. I couldna help wonderin' about the bairns; where was their mither? Hoo came it they were here wi' the auld folks? Aweel, it was not my affairs. "They're fine bairns, yon," I said, for the sake of saying something. "Oh, aye, gude enow," said the auld man.

"I've been wonderin' if you remember the story of the little feller God sent to Peg an' me the one I told you would a been six years old." "Yes, I remember, Lafe." "An' how good Peggy was " "Oh, how good Peggy always is!" interjected Jinnie. "Yes," breathed Lafe, dreamily. "May God bless my woman in all her trials!"

You will take Shorty, Simmons, Sullivan, Tomkins and Wheeler with you." "Very good, sir," said Si, saluting. "Si," said his father, with a quizzical smile, "I've bin wonderin', ever since I heard that you wuz an officer, how much o' the army you commanded. Now I see that if it wuz turned upside down you'd be on the very top." "He leads the army when it goes backward," interjected Shorty.

There's a queer-lookin' rock at the top of the passage. I didn't have time to stop. I'm wonderin' how you ever found this place. It's sure interestin'." During the preparation and eating of dinner Lassiter listened mostly, as was his wont, and occasionally he spoke in his quaint and dry way. Venters noted, however, that the rider showed an increasing interest in Bess.

Was you after somethin'? I reckon you found the place pretty well deserted an' were wonderin' what had become of us all." "I warn't doin' no wonderin', Willie Spence," the man replied. "I knowed where you'd gone 'cause I saw you ridin' away like a sheep bein' led to the sacrifice." "Like a what?" repeated the inventor with a grin.

"I were jest wonderin' to mysel', seein' you're so manageable an' clever an' that, as you hadn't never thought o' gettin' wed an' doin' for a husband as well as yoursel'. I raly do wonder, Miss Heptonstall," he repeated insinuatingly, "as ye haven't getten wed." He expected Margaret to be surprised and flattered, but she gave no indication of being either the one or the other.

'Wal, it drove up, an' the man opened the door, right in front of that house, an' out got a woman; she was bigger than me, and all drest in black, an' she looked sort of familiar, an' jest as I was wonderin' who she made me think of, an' she was a-paying the driver, up comes another cab, tearin', and out hopped two fat, red-faced perlecemen, an' there was a little squabble like, an' the woman flung herself round so't I could see her face, an' then I knew her.

For truly, my mind had been so strained and racked that I don't know as it would have surprized me if Josiah Allen had riz up, and knocked me down. "Wall, in politics, you have to add a few orts sometimes." I sithed, not a wonderin' sithe, but a despairin' one; and he went on, "I know where I shall get a hull lot of votes, anyway." "Where?" says I.

An' when I saw it hurt him I usen't to do it again for a while at least. I think that was a grand way to bring up a daughter. I've been wonderin' since I've been here if an aunt could bring a niece up the same way." And she looked quizzically at Mrs. Chichester.