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"They're a-making cockshies of us, sir," said Tom Jecks; "better let two of us go ashore and chivvy 'em off." "Sit still, man, and " Whop! "Oh, scissors!" cried a sailor; "who's to sit still, sir, when he gets a squad on the back like that? Why, I shall have a bruise as big as a hen's egg." "Oars! push off!"

"What are you about, there?" demanded Marcy. "He going whop me kase I say Marse Jack in de navy," yelled Julius. "Turn me loose, you fool niggah." "No, I ain't going whop him for dat, but for lying," said Morris, releasing his captive with the greatest reluctance, and with difficulty restraining his desire to give him a cut around the legs as he ran away.

I dares do all that does become a man; but No. 7 is a body-snatcher! No. 7 has bullied me, and I bore it! No. 7 might whop me, and this h-arm would let him whop! He lives with graves and churchyards and stiff 'uns, that damnable No. 7! Ask some'at else, Grabman. I dares not touch No. 7 any more than the ghostesses."

"Pull, Bob, hard!" whispered Dexter, in a low, excited voice; and Bob pulled. The boat sped on, and the man uttered a savage yell, when, with a cry of horror, Bob ceased rowing. But the boat had plenty of impetus, and it shot forward so swiftly that, to avoid its impact, the man drew a little on one side as he caught at the gunwale. Whop!

Then, apparently from just below the bank of the river a little higher up, there was a horrible barking sound such as might have been uttered by a boar-hound with a bad sore throat, and then whop, as of a tremendous blow being struck on the surface of the water, followed by the hissing plash, as of a small shower of rain.

So, minister look here. The next report that is brought to me of a spy, I'll whip his tongue out and whop your ear off, or my name ain't Queen.

Can this here confounded old house be harnted? Is them spirits that's jabbering gibberish there, or is I wide awake or no? So I sets right up on my hind legs in bed, rubs my eyes, opens my ears and listens agin, when whop went every shutter agin, with a dead heavy sound, like somethin' or another thrown agin 'em, or fallin' agin 'em, and then comes the unknown tongues in discord chorus like.

At it again: "whop whop flip flop bang," went pillow and bolster, while Fred, sitting tailor fashion upon his bed, was rolling with laughter.

Be gentle with them, ye schoolmasters, and only whop those who WON'T learn. Birch is weary of whipping now, and leaves the boy to go his own gait. Prince, when he hears the lesson, and who cannot help making fun of a fool, adopts the sarcastic manner with Master Hulker, and says, "Mr.

Then 'whop, one's near you, and there is a flash and everything flies. It's a mad sort of smash-about. One came much too close to be pleasant; as near as the old oil jars are from the barn court door. It bowled me clean over and sent a lot of gravel over me.