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Kurtz did as directed, announcing, "Fifty-five hundred and five dollars." "Pikers!" exclaimed the new salesman; then he began laboriously to compute twenty-five per cent. of the sum, using as a pad a bolt of expensive white-silk vest material. "Thirteen hundred and seventy- six dollars and twenty-five cents is my blackmail, Kurtz.

With this Roland wore a ribbed white-silk waistcoat, very brilliant low-cut patent leather shoes, and white-silk socks.

Stella's gift was a dainty, little white-silk parasol, with a frill around it, which seemed to Marjorie the loveliest thing she had ever seen. "It's beautiful, Stella!" she exclaimed. "And I shall always carry it whenever I'm dressed up enough. I hope you girls will have your birthdays soon, so I can give you some lovely things, too."

Jennie Cassavant, in whose eyes was chiefly a prayer that life would keep on being interesting she, the dark, slender, loquacious, observant child who had requested Mrs. Lawrence to shut up. Rose Larsen, like a pretty, curly-haired boy, though her shoulders were little and adorable in a white-silk waist. Mrs.

Now, having fun is " "Look out there!" cautioned Nat suddenly. "You nearly ran over Mrs. Brocade's pet pup." A tiny dog, of the much-admired, white-silk variety, was barking vigorously at the Fire Bird on account of the danger to which it had been subjected by the fat tires. And the dog's mistress, Mrs.

The waiters in the coffee-room are very numerous, and most of them dressed in the livery of the Club, comprising plush breeches and white-silk stockings; for these English Reformers do not seem to include Republican simplicity of manners in their system. Neither, perhaps, is it anywise essential.

He was in summer and office negligee, an unlined blue-serge coat, a white-silk shirt which lay lightly to his body flexuosity, and above the soft collar he had taken on enough outdoor tan to make his smile whiter. She could have bitten her lips for their trembling, and tried to smile with her tortured eyes. "Lilly," he said, topping her hand with his, "why didn't you let me know sooner?

The Emperor was in white culottes courtes, white-silk stockings and low shoes, as were the rest of the gentlemen. He wore the ribbon of the Legion d'honneur, and on his left breast the star of the same. The Grand Marechal, waiting his opportunity, approached his Majesty, who went up to the Empress and gave her his arm.

He does not so much mind paying five guineas for the loan of a court suit, consisting of a single-breasted claret coat with steel buttons, a powdered tie, small-clothes, white-silk stockings, and a dress sword, with instructions on which side it is to be worn, and how it is to be managed in backing out so as not to get between his legs and trip him up, nor the having to pay for being mentioned in the Court Journal by a fellow who is called the King's Reporter; but then he will have the worth of his money, and so takes it out in grumbling and sulking.

The woodwork had been freshly painted, and the walls were covered with silvery-flowered paper. Over curtains of embroidered lace hung a drapery of apple-green damask, ornamented with deep white-silk fringe and heavy tassels. "How kind of Gerald!" murmured she. "He has done this because I expressed a wish to live here. How ungrateful I was to doubt him in my thoughts!"