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In another moment they were over the low rail onto the deck and crawling into the lower cabin and forward beneath the wheelhouse. "Whew!" Higgins sniffed at the strange odor that greeted them. "What is it arsenic?" "Shut the door. Good! Things are working fine." "It's a darn funny way to go looking at land." "But it's a way, and that's what we're after." "Smells like a morgue in here." "Ssh!"

Carter, an advanced Radical, very popular with the working-classes, and Mr. Wheelhouse, a Conservative barrister. Sir Edward Baines was the only one of the three who had achieved a Parliamentary reputation. He had represented Leeds for fifteen years, and he was recognised as its principal citizen by the community at large.

It was a matter of seconds now before the last of the Mary Rogers should disappear. They clambered up to the after-cabin. "For the love av God, McTee, she's a woman!" The Irishman struggled up the deck toward the girl, but the captain caught him and held him fast. "There's one chance," shouted Black McTee, and he pointed to the litter of the wrecked wheelhouse which tossed on the waves.

With no other object in mind, and unarmed, never once dreaming of attack, I advanced alone along the dark, narrow strip of deck, leading toward the ladder which mounted to the wheelhouse. There were no lights, and I was practically compelled to feel my way by keeping one hand upon the rail.

On the third day he was a little more used to the torture. His hands were hopelessly raw now, but still he made no complaint and stuck with his task. That night he secured a rag and retreated to the stretch of deck between the wheelhouse and the after-cabin, where he squatted beside a bucket of water and washed his hands carefully.

A man tied to the mast nearer the deck had his head cut off by the waves, as Herrmann says, though probably a rope or a loose spar was the agent. Not far off, a little boy had his leg broken in the same manner. They could hear and see one of the nuns shrieking through the skylight, and when she was silenced the cry was taken up by a woman wailing from the wheelhouse,

Stonehouse, and was astonished when he saw his head rise above the edge of the tank as he climbed the straight Jacob's ladder behind the wheelhouse. The elder man paused as he saw him and said in an apologetic way: 'Will you forgive my intruding on your privacy?

Harrigan reached the waist at a leap, and in another moment joined the survivors in the shelter of the wireless house Kate, McTee, Henshaw, Salvain, and Sloan, a party of six. They were safe for the moment, for the mutineers would certainly never venture an attack against the wheelhouse, where they could be beaten from the ladders by the defendants, but they were safe without food, without water.

We soon found all accounted for, and were hushed with praise Picture us all standing near the wheelhouse, awaiting orders, or to see, it might be flames, or another explosion of a still more serious character. "Oh! could every Sunday school teacher in the land realise my feelings at that moment, they would never rest until every child in their class was' washed in the Blood of the Lamb.

"You came upon us so suddenly and so near home," he said, looking at Sylt which was only six or seven miles away. "We had not a chance to do anything." He told us that he had been in the wheelhouse of his trawler when the show started. One of our first shell passed through the glass windows within a foot of his head without bursting, and the very next did the damage in the engine-room.