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You got you a bruise black as charcoal an' big as a plate right across your guts, but the skin's only a little broke wheah the plate cut you some. An' if you ain't hurt inside, you're 'bout the luckiest fella I ever thought to see in my lifetime!" Drew moved a hand, touching the buckle with a forefinger.

"Miss Charity," Jeems had not taken his eyes from the two models since he had arrived and he did not move them now, "what're they all fixed up like that fur?" "It's a picture for a story," she explained. "A story about Haiti in the old days " "Ah reckon Ah know," he nodded eagerly, his face suddenly alight. "That's wheah th' blacks kilt th' French back in history times. Ah got me a book 'bout it.

Cyclona looked straight at him out of her big dark eyes framed by their heavy lashes. "I am a neighbor of yourn," she said. "I'm glad of that," responded Seth with ready Southern cordiality. "Wheah do you live?" Cyclona turned and pointed to the horizon. "About ten or twelve miles away," she explained. "There!" "Been theah long?" asked Seth.

All mah life I've made it mah duty to right wrongs and not only that, but to put the wrongdoers wheah they can't commit any mo' wrongs. Goliday is the mastah mind in all this trouble. Is theah a sho't cut to his ranch?" Anton knew the trails of the district like a memorized map, and he gave The Kid detailed instructions.

Yo gits yo fiah goin' jes so under de oven, den you shovels some fiah up on top de oven fo to get you bakin jes right. Dey wuz big black kettles wid hooks an dey run up an down like on pulleys ovah de oven stove. Den dere wuz de col'house. No 'lectric ice box lak now, but a house under groun' wheah things wuz kept jest as col' as a ice box. No'em don't 'member jes how it were fix inside."

"Fo' me, too," sighed Celia, homesickness full upon her with the parting hour. "It's Seth makes me go. Accordin' to him, the West is the futuah country. He has found a place wheah they ah goin' to build a Magic City, he says. He's goin' to maik a fortune fo' me out theah, he says, in the West."

Perhaps The Kid's two drawn six-shooters had something to do with it. "Yuh got two thousand dollars from this game twenty hundred even," Blacksnake snarled. "Are yuh goin' to return that money?" "I'll put the money wheah it belongs," the Texan drawled. "Gentlemen, when I said I wasn't a gamblin' man, I meant it. I nevah gamble.

All right, we parole prisoners and light out cross-country after a strike." "I've been thinkin' " Kirby was checking the loading of his Colts "if we start heah, we can sorta work our way in, coyote right up close to Franklin. They'll be expectin' us to light out for the home range, not go jinglin' in to wheah they've forted up. Might raise a sight of smoke that way.

"He's one o' the biggest cattlemen in three States." The Texan was silent for a moment, then he smiled. "Wheah are yo' headed fo' now?" he asked. "Why, we're on the trail of the stolen herd," Red replied, "and we intend to stop at the sod house and tell my brother, Joe, what's happened that is, if he don't already know. Maybe he's had trouble, himself."

The submarine boy felt confident that, in a stretch of trouble, he could thrash this guide of his in very short order. "Ah might jess well tell yo' wheah we am gwine, sah," volunteered the mulatto, presently. "Yes," Benson retorted, drily. "I think you may." "Marse Truax, sah, he done hab er powah ob trouble, sah, las' wintah, wid rheumatiz, sah! He 'fraid he gwine cotch it again dis wintah, sah.