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"Girls are all alike under their skins. This poor kiddie's been starved for nice things and her sudden good fortune's gone to her head. She doesn't know the value of money, either; what'd seem big to her would be carfare for you. Give her more to do. And she ought to know some young folks." Now Cornelius Allendyce beamed fondly upon his sister. She had comforted him.

"If it was a fezzan I shouldn't bring it to you." "Why not? I should like to stuff it." "Daresay you would, my lad, but if I did that, somebody would stuff me." "Ha, ha!" laughed Mercer. "You'd look well in a glass case, Magg." "Shouldn't look well in prison," said the man, laughing. "Why, what'd become o' the Doctor's taters?" "Oh, bother the taters. I say, what about that gun, Magg?"

I guess it's more natural for a kid than the sulks you've been keeping up with Seaton." "I'm not such a kid. I'm going on fifteen and I've earned my own way since I was twelve. And I earn it with men, too." Nucky jerked his head belligerently. Frank ate a hard boiled egg before speaking. Then, with one eyebrow raised, he grunted, "What'd you work at?" "Cards and dice!" this very proudly.

But jest as I came around a bend, heelin' it right lively I tell you, what'd I see in middle of the trail before me, and comin' my way, but another bald-face! "'Whoof! he says when he spotted me, and he came a-runnin. "Instanter I was about and hittin' the back trail twice as fast as I'd come. The way this one was puffin' after me, I'd clean forgot all about the other bald-face.

I can take you dead or alive; and the shot that bumped you off might bring Sinclair running to find out what'd happened, and he'd go the same way. But will you promise to keep your mouth shut and give no warning when Sinclair heaves in sight? Take your pick. It don't make no difference to me, one way or the other; but I can't have the two of you on my hands."

"Insides is all right we need 'em in our business. But what'd your steel tank do, with the engines goin', if she wasn't bein' navigated? Steamin' in circles, like a tinklin' merry-go-round!" It was some seconds after this that the Purser, a well-intentioned but interfering gentleman with a beard, received the kick that put him in dry dock for two days.

That'd make me have a chip on my shoulder an' lookin' for trouble, which is a poor way to do business. Then, too, I'd be thinkin' he was thinkin' I was a whole lot of a husky to be peddlin' jam. What'd happen, I'd be chesty at the drop of the hat. I'd be thinkin' he was thinkin' I was standin' on my foot, an' I'd beat him to it in tellin' him he was standin' on HIS foot. Don't you see?

What do you call this? I only hope we can lay hands on Wheaton. He knows things. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing, but more is worse. Lord! If only I had a MAN for judge in place of Stillman! I don't know why I brought him." "That's right. Too weak. He hasn't got the backbone of an angleworm. He ain't half the man that his niece is. THERE'S a girl for you! Say! What'd we do without her, eh?

What'd he do with it? He could've kept it in this boat here. We could take a quick look! What Don Loris don't know don't hurt him!" "I'm going to find Hoddan first," said Thal, with dignity. "We don't have to carry him outside so's Don Loris knows we're looking for loot, but I'm going to find him first." There were other men in the spaceboat now. A full dozen of them.

"Well, Maude Pennell is getting in, all right!" "What'd Mrs. Joe Coutts wear?" Emeline asked. Among the unknown members of the city's smartest set she had her favourites. "'Mrs. Joseph Foulke Coutts," Julia read obligingly. "Red velvet robe trimmed with fox." "For heaven's sake, Julie with that red face!" "And Miss Victoria Coutts in pink silk she's had that dress for a year now," Julia said.