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"Why should you bear a part with me, and who are you who know these recent things?" demanded Weng doubtfully. "I am one of many, we being a branch of that great spreading lotus the Triad, though called by the tillers here around the League of Tomb-Haunters, because we must be sought in secret places.

"When the earth that has nourished it grows cold the leaves of the branch fall doubtless the edicts of the Board referred to having failed to reach their ears," replied Weng bitterly. "Revered father, is it not permitted that I should now depart? Behold I am stricken and out of place."

Out of a private enmity the woman seeks the lives of two who are under our most solemn protection, and now uses her husband's wealth and influence to that end. It is on him that the blow must fall, for men kill only men, and she, having no son, will then be discredited and impotent." "And concerning this official?" asked Weng.

"Weng Cho, for the last time spoken of as of the House of Wu, now alienated from that noble line, and henceforth and for ever an outcast, you have made a choice and chosen as befits your rebellious life. Between us stretches a barrier wider and deeper than the Yellow Sea, and throughout all future time no sign shall pass from that distant shore to this.

Beneath were the words: "If not delivered in five days return to Clifford, Cobb & Weng, Grain Dealers and Produce 597 Water Street, N.Y. City, N.Y." Even as his eye fell upon it Payson was conscious of its coarse vulgarity. And "Weng"! Whoever heard of such a name? He certainly had not, hadn't even known that his father had a partner with such an absurd cognomen! " & Weng!"

It is I who need a change of raiment and a chair; aye, by the token of the Locust's Head! He will then lead you to a place where you will find all ready and a suitable chair with trusty bearers. The rest lies beneath your grinding heel. Prosperity!" Weng prostrated himself and withdrew.

The only thing for you to do is to quietly look after yourself for several days, and you're sure to get all right. But the more you work yourself into such a frenzy, the worse you get!" Ch'ing Weng went on to heap abuse on the head of the young-maids. "Where have they gone? Have they bored into the sand?" she ejaculated. "They see well enough that I'm ill, so they make bold and runaway.

"You are evil and your heart is fat with presumptuous pride!" exclaimed Wu Chi, releasing the cords of his hatred and anger so that they leapt out from his throat like the sudden spring of a tiger from a cave. "Evil in birth, grown under an evil star and now come to a full maturity. Go you shall, Weng Cho, and that on a straight journey forthwith or else bend your knees with an acquiescent face."

They shall not bear witness against you Up There in your absence." The chair-carriers had fled in terror, but the villagers murmured against Weng as he passed through them. "It was a small thing that one house and one person should be burned; now, through this, the whole village will assuredly be consumed. He was a high official and visited justice impartially on us all.

"These in their turn have settled great issues lightly," thought Weng bitterly. "Must I wait upon an omen?" ". . . submitting oneself to purifying scars," droned the voice far off; "propitiating if need be by even greater self-inflictions . . ." "It suffices," said Weng dispassionately, and picking up the knife he turned to leave the room. At the door he paused again, but not in an arising doubt.