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Still, they might 'a' got along well enough this way, for married folks don't have to think alike about everything, but they was eternally arguin' about their church doctrines. If Amos grumbled about the weather, Marthy'd say, 'Ain't everything predestined? Warn't this drought app'inted before the foundation of the world?

I doen't believe I should have done so much as look at him. But, Mas'r Davy, it warn't to be not yet! I was too late, and they was gone. Wheer, I couldn't learn. Some said beer, some said theer. I travelled beer, and I travelled theer, but I found no Em'ly, and I travelled home. 'How long ago? I asked. 'A matter o' fower days, said Mr. Peggotty.

The man they called Ed said the muddy Mississippi water was wholesomer to drink than the clear water of the Ohio; he said if you let a pint of this yaller Mississippi water settle, you would have about a half to three-quarters of an inch of mud in the bottom, according to the stage of the river, and then it warn't no better than Ohio water what you wanted to do was to keep it stirred up and when the river was low, keep mud on hand to put in and thicken the water up the way it ought to be.

With the help of your barnacles, I worked my way clean through the whole yarn, and I seed the report of killed and wounded; and I'll take my affidavy that there warn't an officer in the fleet as lost the number of his mess in that action, and a most clipping affair it was; only think of mounseer turning tail to marchant vessels! Damn my old buttons! what will our jolly fellows do next?"

Wasn't a better nor sounder nigger on the river," said Desmit. "That ther warn't," replied Ware. "The rest has all been well. Lorency had a bad time over her baby, but she's 'round again as peart as ever." "So I see. And the crops?" "The best I've ever seed sence I've been here, Colonel. Never had such a stand of terbacker, and the corn looks prime.

Here clearly was some mushroom usurper who had bought out the old simple, hospitable family, neglected its ancient servants, left them to earn tizzies by showing waterfalls, and insulted their eyes by his selfish wealth. "There's the water all spilt, it warn't so in my day," said the guide.

"Dunno what you can do for the boy, Doctor," said one of them; "but it looks to me as though this contraption warn't scurcely wuth savin'." "Oh, we'll bring the boy around all right," said Doctor Davison, who had felt Tom Cameron's pulse and now rose quickly. "Lift him carefully upon the stretcher. We will get him into bed before I do a thing to him. He's best as he is while we are moving him."

I'd sooner a durned sight be thar than haar if it comed on to blow!" "Patience, my friend!" replied Mr Meldrum. "Don't you recollect that old French proverb, `Everything comes to him who waits!" "Don't reckon I dew, mister," answered the other. "I guess, though, it warn't a waiter at one of them hotels that said that, hey?"

"I haint erfeerd ter shoot ye," blustered Judd, and added significantly, "Yo're body wouldn't never be found, and yo' wouldn't be ther first pryin' stranger what got lost in these hyar hills, and warn't never heard of more." "Admitted. But what's to be gained in taking the chance? I'm ready yes, anxious to give you my word of honor that I'll forget what I've stumbled on here this afternoon.

"Ev'rybuddy's allers lyin' to me," he moaned; "there warn't another dog picture like that in the hull room!" "Don't take no notice of him, 'm, an' he'll git over it; he's subjick to these spells of takin' on like. Set up, Pat, an' act decent! Tell the lady you'll come when you git your boots." "Patsy, boy, stop crying a minute and listen to me," I said. "If Mrs.