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Sometimes Paul turned hermit, in imagination and dwelt alone upon the long sands of the melancholy Lido; not seeing Jack, or anybody, save the waiter at the neighboring restaurant, for days and days together. It was immensely diverting, this dream-life that Paul led in far distant Venice.

By each number is a small straight piece of brass, which drops and hangs down when the bell is sounded, displaying the number to the attention of the clerk, who sends a waiter to the apartment, and places the piece of brass in its former position. Steam laundries are connected with all the large hotels.

He picked up his cup and drained it, then leaned back and beckoned the waiter over. "The reckoning, please," he ordered. He looked again at the letter on the table before him, then folded it and put it in his pocket. It was well, he thought. His latest book of fairy tales and fantasy had enjoyed good acceptance. And the check in the letter had been of satisfactory size. He smiled to himself.

Full of tenderness and encouragement, it made her feel as bold as a young lioness and ready to brave any attack. That her aunt had not been to see why she was not dressed already was filling her with surprise, and after the waiter had brought the message she guessed the reason why. A firm tap to the door presently and her Aunt Caroline's voice saying sternly.

These last gave the gardens a very attractive appearance as seen outside, by people going by in carriages along the road, or in boats on the river. Rollo and Mr. George chose a table that stood near the parapet, in the middle of the space between two of the flower pots, and sitting down they amused themselves by looking over the wall until the waiter brought them their dinner.

A waiter in his excitement, stepped in a woodchuck hole, spilling a bowl of steaming hot soup down the Fat Woman's neck. "Help! Help! I'm on fire!" she shrieked. Teddy, now that he had become a hero, felt called upon to hurry to the rescue. Seizing a pitcher of ice water, he leaped over a bench and dumped the contents of the pitcher over the head of the Fattest Woman on Earth.

In the pause which followed, a deft waiter slipped in to change the courses. When the man was gone, Blount went on. "It came mighty near smashing me when I found it out, dad. It wasn't so much the thing itself as it was the thought that you'd do it the thought that you had forgotten that I was a Blount, and your son." Again the older man nodded gravely.

Here!" he called to a waiter, and then he gave the man certain careful directions. The latter nodded wisely, and a few minutes later brought in a tiny glass containing a pousse-café in three different colors. "It’s a cocktail. Drink it quick," Clover directed. Aunt Mary demurred. "I never drank a cocktail," she began.

"Will you be very kind and send a waiter out here with a glass of champagne and some sandwiches? That is all I want." Michael looked disturbed. "But I don't like leaving you alone." "I prefer the company of the stars," she said, "to just anybody really I do. I never feel that one comes to Egypt for these hotel dances." This was meant for Margaret, to make her feel frivolous and vulgar.

"Oh! then the gentleman will take the one remaining in the coupe and the one on top." So it is arranged. When I come back to the hotel, the Americans are explaining to the lively waiter "who speaks English" that they are to go in the diligence at half-past five, and that they are to be called at half-past four and have breakfast.